11 weeks post relaxer &almost bra strap..Yaaay!


New Member
Hi Friends:
I am so excited! I will be getting my wonderful Elusence relaxer from my fab stylist Bren this week and I can't wait. I had to wait an extra week b/c I shampooed too close to when I was to go in last week and she had no other openings. So I thought one more week couldn't hurt. My sister was amazed/somewhat hating on my growth since she hadn't seen me in a while and I generously shared with her the benefits of spacing my relaxers out as much as possible, not using flat irons and blow dryers and curling irons. I'm not sure if she took any of my advice, but I had no problems sharing.....this was the same sister who seemed to immensely enjoy the fact that my hair fell out from stress a few years ago. She had me feeling like it would never grow back, now it's groooowin' on down my back. Yaaay! To God be the Glory for giving me back MY Glory. I will post new pix very soon, so let me know what you think. Smooches!
I am so happy for you. I have haters in my family as well. I just shut and show them. Why can't our own family be happy for us. Just keep doing what you are doing and she will coming running for tips.
brickhouse said:
I saw your pics and your hair looks fabulous. Are you using surge and how are you using it?

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Thanks BH! You and Camille both asked me about Surge. While I have used most of the spray up, I have yet to purchase it again, though I probably will. I usually just spray it in between my roller parts after I set my hair, and usually am off to bed. I sleep in rollers, have since hi school with no prob, and usu sit under the dryer in the morning before I go to my office. I think the Surge really worked well especially around my hairline. Bren even commented on how quickly my sides were coming in and of course I let her think it was all her handiwork and never mentioned Surge!
I will prob get the pray again, but as for the other surge stuff, probably not. Besides, the spray is the only one I've used somewhat consistently. Thanks for your comments about my hair. It's back to Africa right about now and I can't wait to wear it straight again!