11 inch long strand!!!


New Member
my hair is about 8 inches long from nape to end
but just yesterday, my hair was shedding AS USUAL and one strand i pulled out was really long
so i measured it, and it was 11 inches long!!!
now does this mean that my hair cycle only grows that long, and maybe my hair can actually grow past 8 inches??
what do ya'll think, b/c it gave me hope, but i don't know, i want them all to be that long!!
what do i do??
If one strand can get that long then why can't they all get that long? You must be doing something right, so keep up the good work!
I know with my hair my strands differ in length at different parts of my head. The middle of my head is where all my length is. From the ears down the hair is much shorter.
Strands that fall from the ears down currently could measure about 14 inches. And strands that fall from the middle of my head measure 26 inches.
Now if my hair from below my ears would be 26 inches I would be way past my butt at the moment.
But my hair has always grown like this since I was a kid. It's exactly the way my sister's hair grows and my cousins and aunts on my Dad's side of the family. Go figure.
That happened to me too! Ten years ago as a kid when my hair was completly wrecked, I found a 10" strand! The rest of my hair was only 3" long! Today, after researching and getting advice from the ladies of the forum, now, my shortest stands are 10"! So you see, as long as you don't give up, it's possible for ALL your stands to be that length, and longer regardless if it may not seem possible at the time.
thanks so much for the encouragement
i want short strands to be 11 inches definitely
i have hope :(
my hair can grow.. hopefully, hasnt yet, but i dont know what to do honestly
but hope