100% Silk Scarf: Designer or Regular

100% silk scarf, name brand= $$$ or regular= $, which would you buy?

  • More expensive name brand, 100% silk scarf

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less expensive none named brand, 100% silk scarf

    Votes: 42 100.0%

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New Member
If a head scarf is 100% silk, do you prefer it to be a name brand, at a higher cost?
Would you purchase a less expensive one, still 100% silk, but none name brand, at a lower cost?
I have never understood the lunacy in buying things because of brand. There was a time when brand meant something and you were actually paying for "better quality" but nowadays, some brand names of whatever look so cheap in construction/appearance that one's better off learning to sew and making their own "designer" items.

Need I mention that I'd go for cheap?
I get mine off of ebay for a 2-3 bucks a piece. considering what I am going to do with it, it does not make sense to invest more
im sleeping in it,
no offense to whoever does but i dont walk around with a scarf on my head,
so for me to sleep in a Louis scarf is just stupid..
I don't put a lot of stock in designer brands, but if I was going to buy designer scarves I wouldn't use them to sleep in. What's the point of getting moisturizer and oil all over it?
mine is designer, nothing serious though Nicole Miller think I paid $24 for it at filenes, I can never find them for $10 or under :(
100% silk is 100% silk, why pay for an authentic Coach scarf when it will constantly get dirty with product? Less expensive all the way for me.
For a scarf that I am going to sleep in, there is no way I would pay more than $10-and that is pushing it. Now for something I would wear as an accessory I would pay more.
I have an Anne Klein or whoever she is 100% silk scarf and I have a noname......I like the no name better theyre both 100% silk and were both cheaper!!
I bought a leftover bolt of some 100% silk on ebay about a year or so ago and just cut it up to suit my needs. I would never buy a designer scarf to wear @ bedtime.
Please share, who's your seller? pwetty pweez

What's a good size to order?

I buy from anybody who I can get them from for no more than $5 including shipping but have paid as little as $2.00 (and that's pushing it :yep:) I usually look for 35x35 squares (I have a big head :look:)... use the search term, "vintage", "square"... a lot of times the seller will have more than one, so you can get a few for less than $10... there are not always the most attractive scarves but they are silk which is more important

TJ Maxx's & Marshall's have the Best Selection of 100% Silk Scarves on the Clearance Rack/Table. Excellent Prices. Name Brand or at the very least High Quality Silk Scarves.

I've been wearing the Prettywrap for about the past 4-5 months. I love it. It stays on all night (no slipping, sliding...nada:nono:) and it keeps your hair in place & moisturized.:grin:
I get my silk on the remnant table at JoAnn's and run a quick seam around the edges. Works for me!

I bought a leftover bolt of some 100% silk on ebay about a year or so ago and just cut it up to suit my needs. I would never buy a designer scarf to wear @ bedtime.
I have never understood the lunacy in buying things because of brand. There was a time when brand meant something and you were actually paying for "better quality" but nowadays, some brand names of whatever look so cheap in construction/appearance that one's better off learning to sew and making their own "designer" items.

Need I mention that I'd go for cheap?
