100% olive oil-vs-extra virgin

Nope it's not. Olive oil is derived from "cold pressing" the fresh olives and the same batch will be pressed over and over again to squeeze every drop of oil from them. Extra virgin is the oil from the "first" press of the olives, thus it is more potent, nutritious and aromatic - the urber best. 100% olive oil is the oil from all subsequent presses of the same olives. HTH
Neroli said:
Nope it's not. Olive oil is derived from "cold pressing" the fresh olives and the same batch will be pressed over and over again to squeeze every drop of oil from them. Extra virgin is the oil from the "first" press of the olives, thus it is more potent, nutritious and aromatic - the urber best. 100% olive oil is the oil from all subsequent presses of the same olives. HTH

gosh neroli u certainly know your stuff.
Neroli said:
Nope it's not. Olive oil is derived from "cold pressing" the fresh olives and the same batch will be pressed over and over again to squeeze every drop of oil from them. Extra virgin is the oil from the "first" press of the olives, thus it is more potent, nutritious and aromatic - the urber best. 100% olive oil is the oil from all subsequent presses of the same olives. HTH

Thanks, I get it now.