10 weeks post relaxer is good for me.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I haven't had a relaxer since December 23, 2003. Now, I'm not transitioning but wanted to see how long I could stretch out my relaxer without going crazy. I have type 4a/b hair, so this is a major feat for me. How do you ladies with 4a/b hair strech out your relaxers? I want to go longer, but fear excessive shedding and breakage. Should I keep going, or go ahead and give in a get a relaxer.

hair pics
Your hair looks really really good, and thank you for posting your pic's. I was getting a bit discouraged because most of the ladies that post their pic's seem to have multiracial hair and I was beginning to wonder if I was just fooling myself into thinking that a woman of color could have and achieve her long hair dream. Your pictures tell me YES I CAN!! I had my last touch up on Dec 19th and dont intend to get another till April 9th. I am having some shedding but not breakage. I use surge plus 14 twice a day, Wild growth oil, and Ion leave in conditioner. Whether you should keep going or not, only you can say, cause what works for one may not work for you. But I must say your hair looks GREAT.
Here are some tips for stretching out your relaxer
-minimize combing to wet combings and only finger comb dry hair
-protective styles, protective styles, protective styles
-Good detangling shampoo and conditioner
-Good moisturizing leave in

I normally do my pony tail in the shower and it remains untouched until next wash or I do a braid out in the shower and then do a two strand twist when the braid out gets old looking.

We are approximately on the same sked. The longest I have gone is 12 weeks. I find washing (both kinds) more frequently helps soften new growth, along with a good moisturizing regimen of course. We're both only 10 weeks, and I am ready to throw in the towel. My edges are getting on my nerves right about now. My usual style is a bun in the back and curled side bangs--yes sometimes with a curling iron. And I want to stop that because I prefer to just pull it all back. Someone here mentioned beeswax to smooth. I tried it; it was just okay for me. A guy at the Kiehl's counter at Nordstrom told me pomade is best. Having been lurking a lot lately, I think I am arriving at the conclusion that stretching out to more than, say three months is best only for certain hair types, not mine. (Okay don't laugh, but I even thought of just doing my edges more frequently like every six weeks... I know...I know.) But I also have a pretty intense workout schedule that I think is contributing to the problem.

Another issue I hope someone can weigh in on: When I get a little too much breakage, I head for the protein treatment, which I understand causes reversion? Is that right? So stretching out the relaxer causes breakage which is treated with something that causes you to want to get a relaxer faster? help.
I'm into week 8 and I'm trying to extend my relaxer to 10 weeks maybe 12. I usually have to get my retouch every 6 weeks so I have lots of new growth right now. I wash my hair twice per week, condition each time and deep condition twice per week and moisturize about twice daily.
ladydee36330 said:
Your hair looks really really good, and thank you for posting your pic's. ....I use surge plus 14 twice a day & Wild growth oil,.

[/ QUOTE ]

Same here! Also, I have a spray bottle that use to mist my hair w/that contains, distilled water, Glycerine, Rosemary Oil, a small amount of Elucence MB Conditioner and some MSM. For my hair, this has done a remarkable job of keeping it moisturized. Usually I retouch every 7 weeks but I think w/this regimine I'll be able to stretch to 12.

Also, I CO wash three times and shampoo & deep condition wash once during a 7 day period. When drying my hair I use hair scrunchies (made from stockings which work great at not breaking my hair) to put in small pony tails (4) and let the hair air dry. I'm AMAZED
at how straight my new growth is when dry. I then mist and pull up, attach the phony pony w/my (baggie and vaseline) and I'm outta there.

Granted, I'm only 4 weeks into my relaxer but it's still 'rough' in there

I'll update my progress as I get further along. HTH!

I am going on 16 weeks post relaxer and this is what works for me:

- conditioner rinses (at least three a week)
- Joico K-Pak protein treatment (5 mins. - no heat) every month
- handle hair with care
- braidouts (not really necessary if you do the first three)

It's been almost 16 weeks yet I don't get that many hairs on my comb after combing my hair

Hey All,
Washing every other day has helped me the most. It keeps my hair from drying out and the new growth soft. The trick was to find a poo & con that left my hair soft and moisterised during airdrying. I us a scarf to tie down the edges, a good oil blend and things are all right.
I have 4a/b hair, and next week marks the 6 month sans relaxer for me. I plan on holding out until May, so we'll see. The following things have helped me are:
1) CO washes 3-4 times a week. Remember water is moisture!
2) Deep conditioning treatments at least once a week.
3) Protein treatments once a month.
4) Moisturizing and paying special attention to my ends with vaseline and other products.
5) Protective styles in a bun.
I use a scarf after washing to tie my hair down and to smooth the edges a bit, also. If needed, I'll use a little bit of gel to get a straighter look.
6) PATIENCE! It truly is a virtue.
I have 4a/b hair, and next week marks the 6 month sans relaxer for me. I plan on holding out until May, so we'll see. The following things have helped me are:
1) CO washes 3-4 times a week. Remember water is moisture!
2) Deep conditioning treatments at least once a week.
3) Protein treatments once a month.
4) Moisturizing and paying special attention to my ends with vaseline and other products.
5) Protective styles in a bun.
I use a scarf after washing to tie my hair down and to smooth the edges a bit, also. If needed, I'll use a little bit of gel to get a straighter look.
6) PATIENCE! It truly is a virtue. Trust me, if I can do it, so can you! Good luck!
Thanks ladydee for the compliment.
Also thank you ladies for the advice. For the conditioning washers, do you just walk around with wet hair and if not, when does your hair have a chance to dry?