10 Places to Meet a Man This Holiday Season


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10 Places to Meet a Man This Holiday Season

By Paul Carrick Brunson
Read more: http://www.essence.com/2011/12/06/10-places-to-meet-a-man-this-holiday-season/#ixzz1gzXzNCVM

While I am not a believer in one ultimate Mecca for single men, I do know there are better places to meet men than others. As a professional matchmaker, I spend a significant amount of my time headhunting men for female clients. The following list represents the 10 places my team and I will be using this holiday season to meet new men. Ladies, you better take notes.

Home Improvement Stores

Home improvement chains are loaded with men. You can’t walk in one of these big-box stores without seeing an abundance of available guys roaming the aisles for tools, fixtures, wood — and dates. These stores even offer classes on home repair and construction projects. Debbie Mandel, author of Turn On Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind and Soul, explains the appeal: “Men are looking for self-reliant women who can fix things and take some of the responsibility off them.” She adds, “Some weddings have been celebrated at the Home Depot where the couple originally met!”

Political Fundraiser

Alignment in political affiliation is considered by many experts as a top determinate for a successful romantic relationship. Given the upcoming presidential election, the fundraising machine is starting to heat up and that means lots of events. Political fundraisers offer a quality of man willing to not just commit their time but their money to a cause.

Holiday Parties

You can’t escape an evite to a holiday party. Every organization hosts them: employers, churches, college alumni groups, and the list goes on and on. Holiday gatherings are a great way to reconnect with old friends, and to meet new friends. The opportunity to attend parties translates into an increase in opportunities to expand our social circle which can lead to more than just a winter boo!


As we know from the hit movie “Social Network,” the origin of the biggest online destination in the world, was simply a dating site. I personally use Facebook to match clients and have been very effective. 1 of my 2 marriages as a matchmaker came from an initial Facebook introduction. However, the tricky part with Facebook, just like with any online dating site, is how it is used.

Select Supermarkets

If it starts with a “W” -– it’s a good look! Whole Foods & Wegmans are my favorite (Click here to see video of me taking Jacque Reid to a supermarket to meet men – ). Traditionally, supermarkets have been named as great grounds for meeting single guys. Take that a step further and frequent the aisles at high-end grocery stores and you’re likely to find a good catch. Anyone spending that much money on groceries is serious about their health and most likely their lifestyle, and he can probably cook.

The Apple Store

I have several friends who work for the company Steve Jobs built, and the data I hear is very compelling. In just one store in New York City, over the course of one year, 4 marriages and 12 commitment relationships were reported – that’s better odds than most online dating sites! Once you go Mac you don’t go back!

Volunteer Project

When we volunteer, we dedicate our time to our passions and values. There is no better qualifier to meet “Mr. Right” than our values. There is no better expression of your values than the giving of your time. I so strongly believe in this concept that I have started organizing massive school rebuild projects called Give Love Build Hope. The purpose is to bring singles together to volunteer time and connect with like-minded individuals. If you are interested in our Jamaica School Project, click here [givelovebuildhope.org]

The Train

I travel from DC to NYC frequently and have personally witnessed a gold mine of men in my state-to-state excursions. Men hand out business cards like one of those people handing out free Bourbon chicken at the food court in the malls. The fact that these men are on the train and not a bus (no disrespect to my Mega Bus friends because you’ll catch me riding it on occasion) is a good sign… unemployed folks don’t take the train across the state line.

The Gym

It is important to emphasize “weight room” and not just the gym, in general. Women work out just as frequently (if not more frequently) as men. So next time you’re working out, walk over to the free weight area and no matter what gym you’re in, you’ll see that the ratio jumps to 1 billion men to 1 woman -– bingo! Even if you’re not interested in what you see, there is nothing wrong with a little friendly flirting… just say “Who can spot me?” and you’ll have your pick!

Online Dating Sites

Hate it or love it, 1 out of 5 committed relationships is a result of an online dating site. As a power user of several online dating sites myself, I can tell you that even though many people say online dating sucks… it really doesn’t, nothing is wrong with online dating tools. What does suck is how many people use sites not best suited for their needs or don’t spend enough time using the tools provided. Used effectively, online dating delivers results — over 500,000 people who marry each year as a result would agree.

Yup have to agree with the Holiday Parties LOL...Those are the best....

I'm going to get more active and pursue all of them for 2012!!! :)
Thanks guys, I plan to get back in the game in 2012. I haven't been that socially active the past couple years but I'm ready for a change. I used to be more involved in local politics and men are all over that scene, no matter where you live. Any kind of political fundraiser, debate is great to attend. Volunteering for a political campaign is awesome for rubbing shoulders with ambitious men and going to upscale parties and mixers.

After reading this article today I was reevaluating Facebook. Men tend to congregate differently online. For example, the large tech culture sites have men swarming all over them and some have comments plug into Facebook. Even today I was blown away to see black male entrepreneurs congregating on some of them, it was nice to converse with black men who share some of my interests.. plus I'm down for possible business connects. I love hair and beauty but I need to not concentrate so heavily on female oriented sites :lol: Also, I've never explored Facebook Groups..

It's so true about men in the weight area, I get kind of intimidated because I'm not well versed in weights outside of 20lbs dumbbells :lol: The men guys are usually happy to see women in that area though..

Essence is pretty useless to me as a magazine but Paul Carrick Brunson the matchmaker is a great guy and I respect his advice. He runs the Modern Day Matchmaker column at Essence.com http://www.essence.com/point-of-view/modern-day-matchmaker/
Thanks for posting, Raspberry!

I am also interested in putting myself out there more next year. Though I've gone on dates with several people, they found me by chance. I've been on a hiatus for the buuuulllllk of the year. I don't think I realized how much I've been in hiding until now:blush:

I wanna get into sports for 2 reasons: 1) to learn about basketball and football bc I know NOTHING about teams, etc. 2) to meet more menfolk:look::yep:... 2 birds with one stone. Maybe I'll even pick a couple of teams to follow:lol:

I'm surprised at the "home improvement store" suggestions. I don't think I've seen guys under 25 at those. The less-than-handful of times I've gone, I think I only saw much older men or married guys.

I have zero desire to get into online dating in 2012. I simply do NOT enjoy it. All my OKC messages now go to my spam folder.

At the "select supermarkets" I go to, it seems like it's the store clerks that are most interested:lol: Some are kinda cute, though...

I wanna give some of these a try, as I am planning to go out there and get more involved anyway. I see the same people on my commutes most of the time, and all the attractive young men are married. Looking to meeting single ones.
10 Places to Meet a Man This Holiday Season

Political Fundraiser

Alignment in political affiliation is considered by many experts as a top determinate for a successful romantic relationship. Given the upcoming presidential election, the fundraising machine is starting to heat up and that means lots of events. Political fundraisers offer a quality of man willing to not just commit their time but their money to a cause.

This rings so true right now! Ladies, take advantage. Those who do, I wish you well and much success. :yep:
Thanks for posting, @Raspberry!

I'm surprised at the "home improvement store" suggestions. I don't think I've seen guys under 25 at those. The less-than-handful of times I've gone, I think I only saw much older men or married guys.

Home improvement stores are foreign territory for me, the few times I've gone I wander around like a deer in headlights, the store organization makes no sense to me . Welp, I guess that's the perfect excuse to get some nice man to help me find random fasteners or whatever...:lol:
Last time I went into a home improvement store, I was asking the clerk from a "lever"... he was like a lever? are you sure?
I'm like yeah... that tool you use to make sure that picture frames are aligned on the wall:yep:

He's like: Oh!... that's a LE-VEL, not a lever:lol: I was like: :look:, oh... thanks.

The home improvement store doesn't seem like it'd be frequented by too many guys my age... maybe on move-in day for the grad school students *rubs chin*
Last time I went into a home improvement store, I was asking the clerk from a "lever"... he was like a lever? are you sure?
I'm like yeah... that tool you use to make sure that picture frames are aligned on the wall:yep:

He's like: Oh!... that's a LE-VEL, not a lever:lol: I was like: :look:, oh... thanks.

The home improvement store doesn't seem like it'd be frequented by too many guys my age... maybe on move-in day for the grad school students *rubs chin*
Whenever I got to the home improvement store aka hardware store, I always take the broken "whatever" with me and ask for a replacement. I work next door to an Urban Home Depot and I have gone on my lunch and the only men I see in there are the one's their wife sent them to the grocery store and they home how ended up in Home Depot, ie Super Old Dudes. LOL
I recently went to a political fundraiser/Christmas party and all I could think was "dangitt I wish some of my girlfriends were here". The pickings seemed good and they all obviously had careers ...and money. :look:

I didn't even think of The Apple Store but I can see why that would be true too.