10 Easy Steps To Go Natural Without Cutting Your Hair Off!


New Member
Hey ladies,

I would like to know if anyone have read this book? 10 Easy Steps To Go Natural Without Cutting Your Hair Off

Was it helpful?

Also if any one can post a copy ( on a very tight budget)
Thanks a million
I don't have it, but Have you tried your local library? Surprisingly mine has a bunch of natural hair care books. I live in Los Angeles County (CA). What my librabry does not have they borrow from another location and ship it to my local library for no charge. I love it.
If you can't get a hold of the book try blogs like bglh.com and curly nikki. I've seen loads of blogs like that. Maybe even google it and blogs will pop up.
There is also a thread here, I think it's called long term transitioning or something like that.
I can't imagine that there is anything in that book thats not on this board. The only difference being that everything is nicely packaged in one location.... I'm assuming.

If you're willing to do a bit of searching online, it's all here.

Edit also a more recent thread called transitioning without BCing
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