1 year update and new dilemma


Well-Known Member
A year ago I was at a crossroads with my hair. I was tired of all the tangles, extreme dryness and frequent breakage of natural hair. Plus the time it took to take care of it was just too much for my extremely busy lifestyle. I didn't like protective styles, but wanted to keep my lenght.

So I decided to relax. Relaxing has given me almost everything I was looking for-- manageability, ease, moisture (I FINALLY came up with regimen that works well), and slowing down of breakage. It took me almost the whole year to get to this point and I had a few setbacks. Luckily, my hair is just about where it started off a year ago (BSL).

But now I have a new problem. I'm bored to death with relaxed hair and am missing my natural hair.

I no longer have an issue with BCing (I doubt transitioning will work for me), but I have a whole slew of fears:

1- What can I do about tangles? I would opt to wear my hair in braid outs and twist-outs, but how can I prevent ssk and tangles?

2- Dryness. I finally figured out that weekly moisturizing is NOT enough for me and as soon as I switched to daily moisturizing and sealing, my hair has thrived, especially the ends. No more breakage!! Can it be easy to moisturize and seal natural hair daily (you would think after 14 years natural I would remember..)

3- Styles. I still abhor protective styles and have discovered that buns are the devil for me. I experience my most breakage with them, whether my hair is natural or relaxed. What natural styles could I use that would allow my hair to be loose yet tangle free? Could I rely on braid-outs and twist outs?

4- Washing and detangling. I've discovered that detangling in the shower was causing me to lose tons of hair. I thought this was normal when my hair was natural, and it continued when relaxed. However I decided to try NOT to do it because I noticed when I went to the salon I lost so much less hair and they didn't comb it out under running water. Turns out my hair is very fragile and that tension of combing under the water was a no-no. Could I still detangle my hair out of the shower when natural?

Thank you all for your all of your help in advance. I'm currently 6 weeks post and am thinking about growing my hair out to 12-20 weeks before BCing IF I decide to go back natural
1) Quite a few naturals have said that shingling dramatically cut down on their tangles and SSKs.

2) I moisturize 2-3 times daily. :yep:

3) Shingling. :grin:

4) I detangle out of the shower 98% of the time-- just have to make sure that you have a great, moisturizing conditioner to detangle with. I've found that Tate's Miracle Conditioner is exactly that: A miracle. My crown is very dense, tight coils and is a nightmare to detangle. With Tate's the comb glides through with ease. I highly recomend it.

Good luck on whatever you decide! :)
liberationtheory (love your name, btw!) It can take lots and lots of product, but I found a way around that:

1) Make sure your hair is very wet
2) Apply normal amount of gel throughout your hair
3) Shingle

If your hair starts drying, just spray it with a little bit of water.

This is the only way that I shingle now, because the normal way easily eats up 8 oz of gel for my little fro.
1. Can't help you on that answer. I am more of a twist girl. When I do decide to rock one of those 'Out' styles, its not really tangle-y at the end of the day. :look:

2. I don't M&S everyday. My twist can go w/o products for a few days since I am heavy handed. :look:

3. If you going to BC soon. I say shingling, too. That was my staple style when I had a TWA. :spinning:

4. I always detangled outside of the shower, even with a twa. Sit down in a chair with my good ole spray bottle of water and HEHH and go to work. (laziness :lol:)
Thanks ladies.

When my hair was short and natural, it was super easy. I could wash and go with no problem. It was when I got length that the troubles started. I am going to consider this and see what happens
1- What can I do about tangles? I would opt to wear my hair in braid outs and twist-outs, but how can I prevent ssk and tangles?

My hair didn't tangle until it got longer. I never WNG though. I keep my hair in braids.

You can keep it in braids and twists while you're at home and then take them out when you go out.

2- Dryness. I finally figured out that weekly moisturizing is NOT enough for me and as soon as I switched to daily moisturizing and sealing, my hair has thrived, especially the ends. No more breakage!! Can it be easy to moisturize and seal natural hair daily (you would think after 14 years natural I would remember..)

Amen, chica! I absolutely have to M&S daily. I do this easily in two ways: moisturizing spray bottle (with condish, water and oil) and by keeping my hair braided. The spray bottle should work on loose hair as well.

3- Styles. I still abhor protective styles and have discovered that buns are the devil for me. I experience my most breakage with them, whether my hair is natural or relaxed. What natural styles could I use that would allow my hair to be loose yet tangle free? Could I rely on braid-outs and twist outs?

One of my girls, Amoreofcurls (I think that's her name on here) has GORGEOUS hair and she rarely PSs. She seems to do low mani from time to time though.

I think if you keep it well moisturized you'll be okay.

4- Washing and detangling. I've discovered that detangling in the shower was causing me to lose tons of hair. I thought this was normal when my hair was natural, and it continued when relaxed. However I decided to try NOT to do it because I noticed when I went to the salon I lost so much less hair and they didn't comb it out under running water. Turns out my hair is very fragile and that tension of combing under the water was a no-no. Could I still detangle my hair out of the shower when natural?

I keep my hair braided and only detangle when I'm changing styles (like from cornrows to singles). I wash, DC and do my ayurveda powders in those braids. I also finger detangle, which I'm not saying that you should automatically do.

I've heard ladies report less breakage when they detangle on product moistened hair BEFORE washing and then braid it up.
I had a similar issue but it was when I was transitioning to natural hair. I wanted to keep my length. I think that is a big deal to a lot of women although some can rock a TWA or a fade.

I'm natural now and I will tell you what is working for me.

A year ago I was at a crossroads with my hair. I was tired of all the tangles, extreme dryness and frequent breakage of natural hair. Plus the time it took to take care of it was just too much for my extremely busy lifestyle. I didn't like protective styles, but wanted to keep my lenght.

So I decided to relax. Relaxing has given me almost everything I was looking for-- manageability, ease, moisture (I FINALLY came up with regimen that works well), and slowing down of breakage. It took me almost the whole year to get to this point and I had a few setbacks. Luckily, my hair is just about where it started off a year ago (BSL).

But now I have a new problem. I'm bored to death with relaxed hair and am missing my natural hair.

I no longer have an issue with BCing (I doubt transitioning will work for me), but I have a whole slew of fears:

1- What can I do about tangles? I would opt to wear my hair in braid outs and twist-outs, but how can I prevent ssk and tangles?

I wear my hair in braid outs almost exclusively. This seems to cut down on the ssks since my hair is stretched. I braid on wet hair.

2- Dryness. I finally figured out that weekly moisturizing is NOT enough for me and as soon as I switched to daily moisturizing and sealing, my hair has thrived, especially the ends. No more breakage!! Can it be easy to moisturize and seal natural hair daily (you would think after 14 years natural I would remember..)

I do not moisturize every day. In fact, I use my leave in and gel for my braid out and I usually do not add any more product for 4 - 5 days, if then. My hair still feels moisturized.

3- Styles. I still abhor protective styles and have discovered that buns are the devil for me. I experience my most breakage with them, whether my hair is natural or relaxed. What natural styles could I use that would allow my hair to be loose yet tangle free? Could I rely on braid-outs and twist outs?

I have been wearing almost exclusively braid outs since August.

4- Washing and detangling. I've discovered that detangling in the shower was causing me to lose tons of hair. I thought this was normal when my hair was natural, and it continued when relaxed. However I decided to try NOT to do it because I noticed when I went to the salon I lost so much less hair and they didn't comb it out under running water. Turns out my hair is very fragile and that tension of combing under the water was a no-no. Could I still detangle my hair out of the shower when natural?

I detangle before my shower. I typically do not detangle in the shower. I may use my hands to pull out additional shed hair but I stopped using a comb/brush while in the shower. I felt like I was losing too much hair.

Thank you all for your all of your help in advance. I'm currently 6 weeks post and am thinking about growing my hair out to 12-20 weeks before BCing IF I decide to go back natural

When I went decided to go natural I was 18 weeks and 3 days post. I never did a Big Chop though. I was focused on keeping my hair at shoulder length or beyond.
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MzSwift thank you so much for your advice. I can't believe that I had forgotten all of this stuff!

You're right about tangles not coming until hair was longer. That was definitely true for me.

I'm starting to get excited about growing my hair out and BCing
thanks naturalmanenyc

My ideal would to keep my length but I really can't see myself transitioning. I really dislike the way new growth looks with straightened hair, and I'm not afraid of a twa (I wore one almost exclusively for 4 years).

If (when?) I do BC, I'll still want to grow my hair out though. And I loved braid-outs, but my hair did not thrive at all with moisturizing only 5-7 days a week. I know I'll need to be more regular about it.

Thanks ladies!!

Anyone else?