1 year post BC Update!!! Pics included!!!


Well-Known Member
I havent been on here in forever, but my 1 year anniversary just past Aug29. So here are some pics of how my hair has been progressing. I am pretty lazy and dont do much to it, i dont take vitamins or use any growth aids, i use cheap suave conditioners and eco styler gel, nothing fancy at all.
My longest layer is CBL
Thanks For looking

Where i started



Blown Out
great growth girl ! im at .. one month since BC but 6 months post perm. goshhh i cant wait until i get to where you are. congrats again !
Gorgeous hair and great growth! How do you use the gel?

It depends on the look im going for i use a leave in 1st and then rake the gel in my and shake like a dog. Lol (For Wash n Gos) The gel is good for the sleek look to as long as you use a scarf to set the hair. I use the olive oil gel ecostyler. I like the way it smells and it gave me less crunchy hair than the clear one.
Thanks for all the support Guys! I remember a year ago when i couldnt wait to be where i am now! The time flies...I cant wait to see where i will be next year.

I want to experiment a little more with styles, but i have a crazy work schedule so its hard for me to find the time to experiment.

Thanks Again!