1 year itch...it seems to be an epidemic


New Member
Well this Friday marks my 1 year transitioning anniversary. Before this I wasn't interested in cutting until my family reunion. Well after I washed out my press, I saw how long the new growth was and was SOOO tempted to just cut off the rest. Then I remembered that most people get to around 9-12 months and start having the "itch".
Is there anyone else experiencing this?

I plan to get braids and leave it alone for a month or so. My mind isn't fully ready to be 100% natural.
How many inches of newgrowth do you have? If I had about 5-6 inches, I'd BC no doubt, but that's just me. I'm too anxious to be natural already :lol:
Okay, Mscounselor, put down the scissors and back away sloooowly!

But you know what, I'm ready to be fully natural too. I'm getting really impatient with these straggly raggedy ends of mine but I'mma hold off on the BC for as long as I can. I think the braids will help you not think about it so much. Good luck!

TSUprincess, you hang in there too girl!
I have the itch to cut every day! I'm transitioning with a weave and I ended up cutting the hair that I had left out. I don't want short hair, and 5-6 inches curled up is pretty short, so if you want length then I would try to hide all the scissors for another 6months to a year!

Well I have about 5-6" of new growth and I agree that can curl up pretty short. I actually want more even length so the braids will help me breath easier...
Im just worried about the braids....dont know if individuals are the best for me

Thanks for the responses ladies.
Congratulations Ms. Counselor on your 1 Year Mark!

You have much more patience than I did--at the 11 month mark, I was so tired of the relaxed hair. By month twelve, I thought I could make it for another month. Cut about two weeks after my one year mark--was ready for it to be gone. It was a good decision for me--my natural hair was still so different for me, that even 5" seemed like a lot.

Good luck on your continued transition! Can't wait to see you and your hair on the other side! :D
First off I want to say congratulations to mscounselor for your upcoming 1 yr relaxer free mark!!:clapping:

Next I would like to say hello to everyone one, I am a :newbie: and this is my first time posting! YAY

now back to the topic...I agree it does seem to be an epidemic! I am 11 months post relaxer and I think about chopping everyday. I really wanted to transition until I had enough hair to make a ponytail (my staple style) but it is getting veerrryyy hard! I have the most problems with my permed ends. They get so tangled. It takes me at least 3 hours to detangle. Is this normal or is it just me? To those that are long term transitioners how do you deal with it? I am about to go crazy!!! Tell me how you guys are making it thru. PLEASE....I NEED HELP! Also what products are you all using to keep your hair moisturized? my new growth it always dry no matter what I put on it. Sorry for hi jacking the thread but Im getting a bit desperate :(
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Yeah i'm having the same problem..for me its been about one year and 5 months and I'm sick and tired of these dayum straggly relaxed ends..they annoy the hell out of me. But I'm going to try to stick by it...I would like to cut it all of at least when I get to my 2 year transitioning anniversary. I've been wearing weaves since my transitioning process and now have finally decided to give my hair a break from that and experiment with hair styles. Hold on girl! You can do it! Just think.."my ends are my friends"..lol :D
Congrats on making the 1 year mark mscounselor.....I can't wait till I get there! Just hold off on BC if you can, you can make it longer with braids :)

I ofter wonder how much newgrowth I will have by then and if I too will get the itch :lol: . I plan to be a long term transitioner....I just do not like short hair (for me).

OT:Welcome Jenell85! :) :wave:
5-6 inches is short? I measured some pieces of my hair and it came out to be about 6 inches. Also, when I say 5-6 inches, I mean 5-6 inches of newgrowth unstretched...if that makes a difference.
TSUprincess04 said:
5-6 inches is short? I measured some pieces of my hair and it came out to be about 6 inches. Also, when I say 5-6 inches, I mean 5-6 inches of newgrowth unstretched...if that makes a difference.

I guess since I've had long hair for a while, 6' is short...and yes that is unstretched and wet.

Im having difficulty finding a braider as I want it done this weekend! I may end up at natural trendsetters or JC Penney.

jenell85 said:
Is this normal or is it just me? To those that are long term transitioners how do you deal with it? I am about to go crazy!!! Tell me how you guys are making it thru. PLEASE....I NEED HELP! Also what products are you all using to keep your hair moisturized? my new growth it always dry no matter what I put on it. Sorry for hi jacking the thread but Im getting a bit desperate
Welcome Jenell....yes it can be normal to take some time to detangle. I, like most others on the board, section the hair in 4 or more and wash. I use the shower comb while I have conditioner in, then detangle post shower with a leave-in on and the Denman brush (Heaven sent) As far as products, its all an experiment really. I had to try a couple of things and to be honest that list will change as the hair grows out. Look up transitioner support thread or just do a search with transitioner in the title.

Good luck and thanks for the congratulations ladies!