1 updated pic - Finally at bra strap


New Member
I have added one unstraightened pic (don't have many) to my yahoo photo album. The link is in my signature. My hair is now at bra strap when straightened. Thanks to you ladies for all your tips.
You and your sister have nice long hair! How long did it take you to achieve your bra strap length hair from shoulder length?
Congrats!!! Beautiful Hair! Keep Growin'!
DahomeyAhosi said:
I have added one unstraightened pic (don't have many) to my yahoo photo album. The link is in my signature. My hair is now at bra strap when straightened. Thanks to you ladies for all your tips.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dahomey-- This is scary. I would have sworn I was looking at a picture of myself from behind!
If I do say so myself, your hair is beautiful!