1 pic - 1st time I used a little tooth comb.....

and didn't go bald. I combed the entire length of my hair this morning and didn't loose but a few stands of sheds. I never use a small-tooth to comb thru my hair, I only use it to make parts but this morning I was running late and couldn't find my shower comb. I got a relaxer about two weeks ago after my usual 3 month stretch and I think me getting pro-relaxed has stopped alot of the damage I was doing, and to me this is proof my hair is alot stronger.

I am natural and i still dont think fine tooth comb is the devil lol

Honestly I cant live without it! I fingercomb 1st then use a wide toothcomb to detangle. Once my hair is fully detangled and I use a fine tooth comb to strectch my hair.

I dont loose any extra hair in the process. I think its all about technique and the overalll health of your hair.