1 Month Post Baldy Chop!


New Member
So it's not much, but I'm still really excited at my growth from just this one month. I don't think I would have been able to go through with this had it not been for the knowledge I've gained from you ladies here on LHCF. THANK YOU ALL!!!:dance7:
These are my 2.5 week pics.



And these are from this morning. :grin: I took the flash away on some so they look a little blurry for some reason.:ohwell:



And ok...I had a really hard time getting this spot on the back of my head to show, but the hair is extremely fine...to the point it almost seems like a bald spot. It's very soft, and it seems to be curly...but I can't tell wth's going on with it. I think I have phantom hair. :giggle:

Your hair has progressed!!! I do see the difference! By August it will be nice and thick!!!!!!!:grin:
I like it, very cute. Now, what are your plans for the next few phases? You have to plan your steps as per Mirielle {GOING NATURAL}. I love her book and she is/ has helped me plan month by month. The best thing she has taught me is to enjoy every phase while I'm there because it changes quickly.
Not sure I'm following. Figured I'd just do what is working. It's not long enough for me to "do" anything with it right now, but protective styling seems to be the way to go once it is.