
  1. kayte

    Help!! Henna/ Indigo Doesn't "take" On My Grays/4c Hair

    I have gone to the Henna Sooq website, spoke at length with several reps. After several tries (years) with the 2-step process, and not getting the jet black results or even warm brown that I see successfully accomplished with others on You-Tube, then desperate, and skeptical, I tried 1- step...
  2. Lady-RuffDiamond

    Indigo On Henna

    I henna my hair to cover my grey and use indigo to make it brown. I mix 75g henna 25g amla. Once that has developed in 7 hours, then I mix in 40g of indigo and apply to my hair. However, the indigo fades after a week. Does anyone have any tips to make my indigo last longer. How long should...
  3. Daughter

    Damage From Henna? And Can You Use Commercial Dyes After Henna?

    Hi ladies, I'm wondering if henna is the cause of my numerous split ends and mid-shaft breaks and splits? I rarely use heat, deep condition regularly and try to be careful when detangling so I'm not sure what's up. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this as a result of henna? I've...