Sonya Massey-Killed by A Deputy After saying"I Rebuke You In Jesus' Name"


Well-Known Member
  • Sonya Massey called the police because she thought she had an intruder/prowler.
  • The officer asked her to move a pot of boiling water from the stove laughing that he "didn't need a fire" while he was there.
  • So, she went to the stove (like he asked) to take the pot of boiling water to the sink.
  • While she was moving the pot he moved across the room and she asked "Where are you going?"
  • He laughed and said "Away from your hot steaming water" all the way across the room.
  • When he said that, she said "Away from my hot steaming water? Ah, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus".
    • I will emphasize her tone was completely calm.
  • He immediately became irate and said "You better [expletive] not. I swear to God I will [expletive] shoot you right in your [exploitive] face.
  • She apologized and crouched on the floor holding the pot of water before he shot her in the head.
I saw the video, and she never threatened him with that boiling water. She never came at him with the boiling water. She moved the pot because she was asked by one of the officers to move it. She said "I rebuke you in Jesus' name/the name of Jesus" the same way many of us resist professions of evil, lies, and false attestations against us. He murdered her and is truly evil. The evil inside him stirred right up at the sound of the name of Jesus. When the other officer said he was going to get his medical kit then replied "Head shot she's gone. You can go get it but it's a head shot". He reported it like she was 1096/mentally ill to try to spin a false narrative about murdering her as he did. Then he began to ramble about not taking boiling water, and how the water came to his feet. He was the danger in the room and the water only spilled on the floor after he shot her and she dropped the pot. He lied his way through murdering her and immediately following the murder. He also left her on the ground while she was still breathing and died and said he wasn't going to waste his medical kit on her. As the other officers arrived he proceeded to call her out of her name...absolutely disgusting.

Evil is at an all-time high and those and those surrendering to it are on a hair-trigger to manifest it. I didn't post the video because of the nature of it, but it is all over the internet and anyone with eyes can see the evil in him and how he murdered that woman.
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  • Sonya Massey called the police because she thought she had an intruder/prowler.
  • The officer asked her to move a pot of boiling water from the stove laughing that he "didn't need a fire" while he was there.
  • So, she went to the stove (like he asked) to take the pot of boiling water to the sink.
  • While she was moving the pot he moved across the room and she asked "Where are you going?"
  • He laughed and said "Away from your hot steaming water" all the way across the room.
  • When he said that, she said "Away from my hot steaming water? Ah, I rebuke in the name of Jesus".
    • I will emphasize her tone was completely calm.
  • He immediately became irate and said "You better [expletive] not. I swear to God I will [expletive] shoot you right in your [exploitive] face.
  • She apologized and crouched on the floor holding the pot of water before he shot her in the head.
I saw the video, and she never threatened him with that boiling water. She never came at him with the boiling after. She moved the pot because she was asked by one of the officers to move it. She said "I rebuke you in Jesus' name/the name of Jesus" the same way many of us resist professions of evil, lies, and false attestations against us. He murdered her and is truly evil. The evil inside him stirred right up at the sound of the name of Jesus. When the other officer said he was going to get his medical kit the replied "Head shot she's gone. You can go get it but it's a head shot". He reported it like she as 1096/mentally ill to try to spin a false narrative on murdering her like he did. Then he began to ramble about not taking boiling water, and how the water came to his feet. Although he was the danger in the room and the water only spilled on the floor after he shot her and she dropped the pot.

Evil is at an all-time high and those and those surrendering to it are on a hair-trigger to manifest it. I didn't post the video because of the nature of it, but it is all over the internet and anyone with eyes can see the evil in him and how he murdered that woman.
I saw this
story on Dr
Grande's channel
but was too
tired to come
post. How crazy
was that? Cop
was wrong. There
is no reason
her statement
warranted the drawing
of a gun.

I saw this
story on Dr
Grande's channel
but was too
tired to come
post. How crazy
was that? Cop
was wrong. There
is no reason
her statement
warranted the drawing
of a gun.

He was rude before she even opened her door. His tone and word choice throughout the entire exchange made it clear that he had no intentions of being helpful.
After they confirmed the area was secure and got her name there was no reason to stay.
Y’all my heart broke seeing an innocent woman murdered like that. Not a movie not a game. He literally just killed her for no reason at all. His size alone compared to her he could easily have overpowered her but there was not an ounce of threat. He wanted to do it and so he did. I don’t have words for layers of emotion I went thru for this poor woman.
I am very disturbed that someone who doesn't understand Christianity would misconstrue a statement like"I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" as a threat or sign of mental illness. It makes me wonder how many people will hesitate to acknowledge the Lord, during hostile situations.
I used to work in a large public hospital in Atlanta, and when I would write my notes, I would be careful about how I worded things that patients or families said or did because I knew some people wouldn't get it or would misconstrue it.

But this dude is evil and at the name of Jesus he was murderous. He should be under the jail for life or executed. We don't need demons walking among us.
I used to work in a large public hospital in Atlanta, and when I would write my notes, I would be careful about how I worded things that patients or families said or did because I knew some people wouldn't get it or would misconstrue it.

But this dude is evil and at the name of Jesus he was murderous. He should be under the jail for life or executed. We don't need demons walking among us.
I am glad that you did because it is important. Bias is a big deal especially when it hinders the need being met.
I read more about this. I didn't understand why Sonya uttered which to me were random (to me).
I learned that she has some mental issues and had recently checked into the hospital for help.
Apparently, this is been an ongoing thing and her family was aware. She was spooked about thinking someone
was in the yard and could have said the "rebuke" because she thought she was being stalked or attacked.
Poor soul is right. It's too bad that she didn't have a family member home with her that night.
I read more about this. I didn't understand why Sonya uttered which to me were random (to me).
I learned that she has some mental issues and had recently checked into the hospital for help.
Apparently, this is been an ongoing thing and her family was aware. She was spooked about thinking someone
was in the yard and could have said the "rebuke" because she thought she was being stalked or attacked.
Poor soul is right. It's too bad that she didn't have a family member home with her that night.
She did have some mental health issues but when a person says "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" or "I rebuke that in the name of Jesus" that is shaking off a snare and the equivalent of saying "No, I do not claim/accept what you are directing at me". It can block suggestion and spells that others speak over you. It also applies to literally casting out demons/evil. Given how her murderer was instantly triggered, I don't dismiss her rebuke to mental illness. The qualifier is that some entities are powerful and require prayer and fasting for the power of a rebuke to be effective. Different people have different levels of spiritual authority.

A lot of valid and real mental health issues stem from authentic spiritual battles.
The mental health factor is valid but it isn't the only valid factor that I saw.
Spirits suggest before they possess.
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