New Member
About 2 weeks ago I got highlights... I did research on here bout came up very short. Many ladies on the forum are very afraid of color itself... so who would dare get the dreaded highlights! Luckily for me I self highlighted before with some success (except the fact that I re-highlighted myself and over lapped...OOps!
It was pre-lhcf) so I went and got them highlighted professionally this time... Yay me.
Now the point of this thread... many ladies on here may want to start highlighting with summer comming and queen_t inspiring us with those GORGEOUS highlights she has (sorry queen_t, I had to shout out my fellow capricorn/ mixed west indian). So please leave your tips and suggestions, even if you dont have them anymore. If you came across any issues and had a resolution post them here as well please. Also please feel free to ask questions. Hopefully this can become a reference to ladies who want to venture into the No Mans Land of highlighting...
Here is my 2 cents:
-My hair loves protein... I did a hard protein (aphogee 2 step ) the wash before (about a week) and the wash after (about a 4 days)
-This time I incorporated Gralic to stop shedding. I am using Alter Ego Impac Ego and I love it
-Try adding a clear rinse to you DC. Keeps hair from looking dull and helps to seal cuticles (I believe... but my hair does love a good clear rinse regardless)
-One issue I had this time around was a brassy orange color instead of blonde (prob from using the Bigen in medium chestnut brown). I bought some Shimmer Lights Shampoo and it toned right down. I still have a slight orangey color but it is no longer brassy and its now on the blonde side. See my fotki in the winter 09 album.. They also make Shimmer Lights for Red Heads as well for all you ladies going to color red this summer
-Holla @ some Porosity Control
HHG Ladies!

Now the point of this thread... many ladies on here may want to start highlighting with summer comming and queen_t inspiring us with those GORGEOUS highlights she has (sorry queen_t, I had to shout out my fellow capricorn/ mixed west indian). So please leave your tips and suggestions, even if you dont have them anymore. If you came across any issues and had a resolution post them here as well please. Also please feel free to ask questions. Hopefully this can become a reference to ladies who want to venture into the No Mans Land of highlighting...
Here is my 2 cents:
-My hair loves protein... I did a hard protein (aphogee 2 step ) the wash before (about a week) and the wash after (about a 4 days)
-This time I incorporated Gralic to stop shedding. I am using Alter Ego Impac Ego and I love it
-Try adding a clear rinse to you DC. Keeps hair from looking dull and helps to seal cuticles (I believe... but my hair does love a good clear rinse regardless)
-One issue I had this time around was a brassy orange color instead of blonde (prob from using the Bigen in medium chestnut brown). I bought some Shimmer Lights Shampoo and it toned right down. I still have a slight orangey color but it is no longer brassy and its now on the blonde side. See my fotki in the winter 09 album.. They also make Shimmer Lights for Red Heads as well for all you ladies going to color red this summer
-Holla @ some Porosity Control
HHG Ladies!
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