Well-Known Member
Here's the deal, I've been using WEN to cleanse my hair for close to a year now with great results. Out of curiosity I decided to try Jessicurl Hair Cleansing Cream (since I love her Too Shea and Weekly Treatment conditioner so much).
Well Long story short I cheated on my baby WEN with a completely substandard shampoo! I was fooled to believe that because the name of the product contained "cream" that this would be a creamy, moisturizing, SLS free product. Even the bottle says "A mild and moisturizing alternative to shampoo".
Boy was I dooped!
My hair NEVER feels rough, dry or tangly when I use WEN however this mess just felt like the run of the mill shampoo on my hair. Then again, I could just be spoiled since Im so use to washing with a cleansing conditioner.
I ended up having to pull out my WEN to get my hair back to the way I like it.
I'm not going to bother returning it, I'll just keep it and use it for times I feel that I may have a lot of build-up, I'll mix it with water and BS. The only good thing about it was that I only had to wash with WEN once, instead my normal 2 to 3 times.
Well Long story short I cheated on my baby WEN with a completely substandard shampoo! I was fooled to believe that because the name of the product contained "cream" that this would be a creamy, moisturizing, SLS free product. Even the bottle says "A mild and moisturizing alternative to shampoo".

My hair NEVER feels rough, dry or tangly when I use WEN however this mess just felt like the run of the mill shampoo on my hair. Then again, I could just be spoiled since Im so use to washing with a cleansing conditioner.

I'm not going to bother returning it, I'll just keep it and use it for times I feel that I may have a lot of build-up, I'll mix it with water and BS. The only good thing about it was that I only had to wash with WEN once, instead my normal 2 to 3 times.