Your parents' hair types


Reclaiming my time
I saw this question on another site and I thought it was interesting. My mother has curly hair 3a/b and my father was a 4a/b. More of a 4b when I think about it. I'm a 3b/c so I'm right in the middle.

My siblings however, have another father who has 1a hair and no one of them inherited my mother's curls. One of my brother's daughters inherited it instead and now her hair is talked about everywhere we go :)
The other nieces and nephews have 1a-1c hair.

My SO has almost the same hair type as me (I think - he wears it short). I wonder what our children's hairs will look like!? His mother was a 1a/b and his father 4a/b.
I think my dad's hair is more of a 4b type. My mom's is more of a 3a/3b. Her hair was down her back as a girl! She could practically sit on it! She used to tie it in a sock on top of her head before bed.

When I was little, she used to wear it about APL. My sisters and me used to brush it sometimes. **aww, sweet memories**

Maybe there is hope for me reaching that length then...:)
What a nice memory - brushing your mother's hair :)
I used to do that too sometimes.
Both my parents had dark brown hair, my mother a little lighter than my father.
I wonder if there is anyone that inherited only one of their parents' hair type?
Both my mom and my dad had 3b/3c hair, closer to 3b though. My mom's hair was very wavy than curly and my dad's hair was wavy and curly. I got both plus a little extra curl.
My mom has wavy hair... guess type 3 or something, no curls or anything just really soft waves. My dads hair is kinky 4A, and that's how me and my sister's hair is, too.
My father keeps his hair very short, but it appears to be 4B.

My mother's hair has always been at least waist length, usually closer to tailbone length, and it looks to be type 2A.

I think my own hair is somewhere in the 2C to 3B range. I have a lot of different textures going on on my head. :lol:

My husband has armpit length 1B hair.

Our sons hair types range from 1B to 3A. The middle two have big silky curls,3A my oldest has straight hair, 1B, and the youngest seems to have about 2C.

Genetics are interesting.:)
My hubby has a mixture of 3b and 3c and 4a....I'm all 4b (I think) well the 9 year old girl has gorgeous 3c half way down her back and the 2 year old girl has gorgeous 4 year old boy.....has 3b the bottom half in the back and all around the sides...and the front is 4a:lol: :lol: :lol: I've never seen such a thing before..and my hubbys brother also has 2 different textures ....the strangest thing:lol: Boy do they have trouble at the barber shop:lol: :lol: :lol:
My mom is a type 3 something its very soft and curly when she wets it my dad is a 4b I think but I inherited my dad genes for hair type bc I'm a type 4 and its coarse and very thick in its natural state

Here is a guide to hair typing. Unfortunately she left out 4a!:mad:

Although hair typing can be difficult - my mother and I have almost the same size curls, but her hair is of course completely different because she's white. So I guess there is more to it than the numbers and letters :)

Yes, genetics are really interesting! It's like someone inheriting their grandmother's nose or something. It can skip a few generations and then come right back :lol:
londonjakki said:
My hubby has a mixture of 3b and 3c and 4a....I'm all 4b (I think) well the 9 year old girl has gorgeous 3c half way down her back and the 2 year old girl has gorgeous 4 year old boy.....has 3b the bottom half in the back and all around the sides...and the front is 4a:lol: :lol: :lol: I've never seen such a thing before..and my hubbys brother also has 2 different textures ....the strangest thing:lol: Boy do they have trouble at the barber shop:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's funny! I have seen a girl in my area - her mother is biracial and her father is Swedish - her hair is also 2 completely different hair types! It's blonde, almost white in color, but about 3b/c in the back and 1a/b in the front. :nono: Her back hair shrinks a lot so it's shorter in the back. I feel sorry for her :lol:
I guess it's easier for a boy with short hair. LOL
My mom's a thick 4B. My dad's a thin 4a. Most of the women on my moms side are thick type 2's and 3's. My dad's side looks like thin type 4s to me. All his sisters keep their hair cut short so IDK what it really looks like. One of his brothers looks like he might be a thin type 3.
My dad is 4a my mom is 3a/b. My dad has 9 sisters and they all have between 3c/4a hair.
FlowerHair said:
That's funny! I have seen a girl in my area - her mother is biracial and her father is Swedish - her hair is also 2 completely different hair types! It's blonde, almost white in color, but about 3b/c in the back and 1a/b in the front. :nono: Her back hair shrinks a lot so it's shorter in the back. I feel sorry for her :lol:
I guess it's easier for a boy with short hair. LOL

I know I thank god my son got the double textures and not my daughters....phewww:lol: :lol: :eek: :eek: That way my hubby deals with it not me:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
FlowerHair said:
That's funny! I have seen a girl in my area - her mother is biracial and her father is Swedish - her hair is also 2 completely different hair types! It's blonde, almost white in color, but about 3b/c in the back and 1a/b in the front. :nono: Her back hair shrinks a lot so it's shorter in the back. I feel sorry for her :lol:
I guess it's easier for a boy with short hair. LOL

Oh my goodness...poor darling:) :)
My mother is probably a 3b/3c. My dad is a 4a/4b. I'm right in the middle, mostly 4a. I have the fine strands of my mother, with a little of my dad's thickness all around.
My mom is a red-headed 4a (thin). My dad was a 3b (thin). All of my aunts on my dad's side have very thin 3b/3cish hair that they wear natural and press.

I don't know how I came along with this THICK head of 3c hair. :lol:
My mom has a 3c/4a/4b mix and my dad is like a 4b. I think I'm like a 4b with some 4a mixed in, but my brother is a 4a all over.
My Mom has 4A hair. She's natural.
My Dad has 3ish hair. I'd say 3b/c.
My hair is more like my father's and my brother's hair is more like my mother's.
my mom is probably a 2c...but I'm not sure because when her hair was almost waist length it was always straight and now that its release short it just has nice maybe she's a 2b/c..she told me when she was younger she used to straighter hair hair by putting her hair into a bun and letting it dry...i can't compare her to her family b/c she's adopted but she is half german and half black (and that's a maybe to a half black b/c we have no real info on her biological father)

my dad is probably a 4b, his mom always has her hair relaxed and my dad and his brothers keep their hair low so I'm just assuming its 4b

me, I'm a 3b with maybe a touch of 3c
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My father is 4a with THICK texture.... my mother is 4a with soft, FINE texture. Im 4a with soft, fine texture. Wish i could've gotten somewhere in between them, but those are the breaks. :look:
Dad 4a

Mom- don't know because she's worn a wig my entire life...the only time I ever saw her hair was when she pulled out a plait and it stretched an inch or so past BSL :eek: when I saw that I was like "why do you wear a wig if your hair is that long" she said it was because her hair is very thin. :ohwell: I do remember her being bald at the temples which would explain why me and my daughter have very thin temples. :( If I were to take a guess I'd say she's a 4a

My hair 3c (in the front) 4a (in the back) my maternal grandmother and I have the same hair type.

I have no idea what my husband's hair is because he's bald and always have been since the day we met. He never lets his hair grow out, I have noticed that if he did let it grow out he would look George Jefferson with that pitiful patch in the front on top and some hair on the sides and back. :lachen:

Our daughter's hair type is 3a (in the front) 3b (in the back) maybe she got it from her daddy who knows :confused:
I have no idea where my hair came from since it is not like my mom's or dad's. I wish I had my father's hair and I hope my future child/children get his hair and not mine. :ohwell:
I suspect that my mothers hair may be 4A/B combo, but since she's relaxed, who knows? My father had spongy 4B hair.