Your hair and Relatives,etc


New Member
First I would like to introduce myself. I have been lurking for a couple of months and decided to join in and start this wonderful haircare journey in December 2006. I'm still not sure of my hairtype but I'm thinking about squasing that whole system for the reason I'm going to describe below. I must say however that I am trully inspired by all the different types of hair and your progress on this board.

I live with my sister and my neice and just recently since my sister and I both were having problems with shedding and thinning that we would stop wrapping our hair evernight. I started my regimine (washing every 3 days, dc'ing, moisture moisture moisture, and wearing wash n go's for no heat) while my sister started roller setting ever night and morning (with hot curlers). Well, after two seeks my sister quit roller setting and said she was going back to wrapping because it looks bad and that her hair wasn't getting any thicker. I tried to show her other styles to wear and that growing healthier hair is not an overnight process. I begged her to at least give it 6 months.

Just yesterday while we had a family get together I received several compliments on how good my hair looked (10 weeks post relaxer). I told my relatives about my regimine and that it could work for them too. They said "well you have that good hair" and I told them no "good hair" doesn't exist but "good haircare" does. They were not buying into that at all. I love my family and want them to be confident in their hair as well. How do you get through to them about this mindset? Should I just let them see my results? I even tried telling my sister that I would do her hair for her but she would rather see the stylist every 2 wks who offers the both of us no help at all. As a side note I suffered from itchy scalp and dandruff for years and my stylist refused to tell me I wasn't washing enough. Thanks to you guys and my new clarifying shampoo I haven't had that problem since I started. Sorry so long. I just want to know how do you get through to others about haircare.
Don't worry you won't change their minds until they see it for themselves, then they'll eyeball you close up in your head like 1 of my relatives did last night to make sure it's not a weave it was my real hair out (but I do wear weaves too). Then they'll want the miracle grow product or pill you used to get their hair long in like a month. Just do you and your results will speak for themselves.
Tell them to visit the LHCF. Sorry that's all i can say, for some people they have to see it to believe it.
Welcome to LHCF ! It was not my relatives that are surprised at my growth. Mostly people I work with when I wear my hair out are speechless. I am forever and a day in a bun. I have a lot of people that ask me about products and haircare. Once you get to certain lengths and thickness---it appears everyone will ask and be willing to take action on your recommendations.
Awwww.. my first replies :) Thank you so much. I tell my sister to come look all the time when I'm on this site. I guess for their own good they will just have to see progress like you guys said. I have BSL hair and I just wanted them to see that it's just not my hair type that can have long healthy hair, but all types with proper TLC.
My older sister didn't want to believe until recently. The younger one always laughed but she did keep one ear open to what I was saying. In the end they saw how my hair was doing and that was the turning point.
Hi Love! Welcome!

Sharing hair care wisdom is like finding God...folks got to find it out for themselves! You can tell 'em until you are blue in the face, however, it's results that speak for itself!

Just keep doing what you are doing and pretty soon (if their pride will let them) they'll be sitting at your feet waiting to hear all about it! :notworthy
january noir said:
Hi Love! Welcome!

Sharing hair care wisdom is like finding God...folks got to find it out for themselves! You can tell 'em until you are blue in the face, however, it's results that speak for itself!

Just keep doing what you are doing and pretty soon (if their pride will let them) they'll be sitting at your feet waiting to hear all about it! :notworthy

that's deep, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink!
Thank you january noir. You said it best. I will try to keep it to myself and "let my light shine" until they come to me. It's just that since I found this site I can't stop talking about hair. I find myself trying to analyze hair when I'm still learning myself.
I have what is considered "bad hair" by some of my family members who have "good hair". They think that my "bad hair type" just isn't built to grow long. And so sometimes some of them laugh at my efforts. It is one of the main reasons I started hiding my hair with weaves that way they can just think my hair is the same and then when I reach a certain length like maybe BSL or almost BSL I'll reveal it to them.

I guess we have to understand that for many many years it has been believed by most blacks and our stylists that most of us can't grow hair past our shoulders and that's just genetics. It has been so ingrained that when you start talking to folks about haircare being the main culprit of people's hair not growing they look at you like your nuts.

Don't worry about it, just let them see what's happening to your hair then they will understand.
Thank You RabiaElaine! I can't wait to prove them wrong. I must also commend you on your "Hide your Hair til Christmas" challenge as I see it proved to be successful. Congrats!:cheers:
We're so glad to have you here:) Hair growth can be a solitary journey - that's why we have this board for moral support. The tips work. Just keep doing what you're doing - they'll be green with envy in no time:lol:
january noir said:
Hi Love! Welcome!

Sharing hair care wisdom is like finding God...folks got to find it out for themselves! You can tell 'em until you are blue in the face, however, it's results that speak for itself!

Just keep doing what you are doing and pretty soon (if their pride will let them) they'll be sitting at your feet waiting to hear all about it! :notworthy

Amen sistah!!!:)