You Know You're A PJ When.......


New Member
"Clean" out your hair drawer while mentally thinking of your replacements if you haven't done so already before you started.

"Give away" products so you can make room for more.

You can't resist the urge to stock up.

Add on ladies
...When people post their "hits and misses" or their regimen you have used atleast 2 of their products:look:

...When your idea of fun is going hair shopping/reading ingredients

...When your SO/family say "what's wrong with you?!"

...When your family or friends come to you when they want to buy or try things because they know you have it

and last, When you don't consider anything under $5 a buy.
...your college roommate looks at you like you're crazy when she sees your huge stash of products

...the beauty store employees recognize you/know you by name have a seperate suitcase/traveling bag for your hair products can't decide which brand you want to wash your hair with
When you start dreaming about trying new products

When you start to fantasize about going to a mega bss store and finding all the hard to get products. The fantasy gets really good if the prices are at a real discount.
When you search the internet endlessly for the best deals for products that you want

When the Hair Product Exchange is the first forum you visit when signing on to LHCF

When you visit fotikis only to see if they have an products album '

When you go to the BSS with a list

When you have a wishlist of products you'd like to try and never get to most of them because you are always adding more stuff
When folks start referring to your bathroom cabinet as (insert name here)'s Beauty Supply and try to buy stuff from you at a discount.
...when you get on LHCF and make a list of products to buy at least once every two weeks.
... when you have to keep searching for storage space for all your products.
... when you go to Sally's for a simple conditioner and spend $82 and cannot remember what all you bought 2 days later.
... when your family tells you that are addicted to buying hair products and they will try to help you find help.