You Know You Are A Product Junkie!


New Member
1. When your hair products outnumber the total sum of your cosmetics, perfumes and body care products.
2. When you cross your self before entering a BSS
3. When your special cupboard and shelves look like a back of the store outdated discount section
4. When your friends phone you like you are a store and say "Would you happen to have in stock?"
5. When your significant other starts swearing in the bathroom everytime he/she opens a cupboard or drawer!
6. When you have over 5 items that NEVER RUN OUT THAT YOU NEVER USE!
Got anymore.....
1. when the first place on your errand running list starts with a stop BSS (and list all of your products)
2. When you walk into the BSS and they ask if you need help, you say no and pull out your list of stuff from your fellow LHCFers (like I've done a few times w/some of Sistaslicks posts!), because you trust them more...
3. When you have milk in your hand, money in another and some hair stuff in the cart. You put the milk back to get your hair stuff!!:lol:
1. You are known by name at 3 Sally's, a Walmart, 2 Targets, and 3 bss in two cities.

2. Your family always ask your advice on new products that aren't even in stores yet.

3. You have more conditioners in your shower than soap.

4. You can identify products by name in the background of other peoples fotki pictures.

5. There is literally nothing for you to buy from the hair product aisle because you have or at least tried every product.

6. You give product reviews to strangers when they ask.

7. Your avatar is a picture of half your conditioner stash.
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1. When bss workers know you by name.

2. When you take products to LHCF meetings to get rid of the clutter under sink(cause hubby is complaining you never use em and it's taking up all space under 2 sinks),but end up swapping and coming back w/ just as much as you took there.( reminder: 10/21/06 lhcf meeting don't come back w/ anything I'm not currently using in a regimen).

3. When you start to clean under that sink and make a get rid of and a keep pile and the to keep pile of products is still taking up space under the sink.

4. When you've found products that work and are still looking for products.

5. When you spend hours @ the bss.

6. When your hubby tells you that you have more stuff than the bss and that our hair should be dragging the ground.LOL

7. When friends/family want to try a new product,but is afraid of the outcome.They tell you about it as if you're a lab,lol,lol
:cry: Yes I'm a product junkie and need help.:p
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1. You go to the BSS every Sunday right after church!
2. You plan your trip to the BSS and bring along a snack and a list(it's your treat for getting through the week :D)
3. You check out _____* insert the current month* thread on hits and misses before you go to the BSS
4. You get a part time job at the BSS
ummmm one more to add...:lol: :lol:

When you go to the indian store during lunch, put your products out on your desk and folk start coming by asking questions - I got amla oil, coconut oil and henna spread out on my des :lachen: :lachen:
:perplexed when your mind is thinking about what product you need to refill
when you KNOW you shouldn't be in there BSS but you are...

your looking at your drawer conter and you have so many items you can pick atleast 3 to use for each day of the week... :lachen:
When you sit out in the parking lot knowing that the BSS doesn't open for an hr just to get a product on your must have list

then you get home with that must have product and discover that you already had it hidden in the closet behind all of your other beauty supplies