you just never learn but you always come back


Well-Known Member
ok, what products or methods work wonders for you but for some odd reason you always stray away from it to try something different. then you always come back?

im asking this because i know many of us have problems finding the ultimate moisturizer. well keracare creme hairdress is amazing on my hair but i strayed away to try others. i got stuck on hairveda's green tea butter and whipped cream:lick:. and they are good. but i have very fine hair and nothing works as good as keracare.
so now i have to make a vow to myself to never stray away from keracare creme hairdress.

so what do you always come back to no matter what.

ot: do yall know hairveda's almond glaze is amazing. im not even a fan of slick edges because i wear my hair over my edges anyway but that stuff is the truth. and it smells :lick:.
motions cpr. its the only protein that doesn't break my hair. i keep leaving it trying to find something more organic. i still want to try ao gpb. lol.
I would have to say braids. Most of the time it's because I get lazy braiding all the time or get bored with it. I've always liked the act of combing hair. Braids remind me of those dolls back in the day with yarn for hair - I was like what's the point of getting a doll with hair I can't comb? LOL

I'm back to braiding my hair every night, but who knows how long it takes before I get tired of doing it again...
Im still using the same techniques and products that I started off with on this forum. The only bandwagon I have jumped on is co washing and leaving the condtioner in. Usually if I switch conditioners its because I get bored with the smell and will try something else in place, but Ill go back to it in a month or so.

Strict protective styling & low manipulation. I keep hoping I've found the magic bullet to allow me to step out of either of those and continue to retain my growth, but *sigh* nope, nope, nope - haven't found it yet.
ORS Replenish Paks and ORS Hair Mayo...I keep trying to find a more moisturizing deep conditioner, but I'm not having any luck. So it's back to square one for me!

Strict protective styling & low manipulation. I keep hoping I've found the magic bullet to allow me to step out of either of those and continue to retain my growth, but *sigh* nope, nope, nope - haven't found it yet.

I keep hoping, too. But it never works! :wallbash: Then I come back, tail between my legs like, "fine, only twists from now on" but 3 weeks later I'm like "well, maybe if I do y before x and double up on the z it'll work". Of course it never does. I try more often than you to break free, though. My last thought was trying washing every night, loose and finger detangling to get all the shed hair out, twisting up at night, and wearing the twist out the next day. Sounds good, right? No combing so little breakage, detangling frequently to keep it from getting detangled, etc. But nope, still don't work! :wallbash:

Though there are definitely products I like better than others, there is no single product that I consider a holy grail so no product I feel like I have to come back to.
Green label CON. I could backslide and forward slide on this but I always come back to it.

Silicon Mix. NOTHING detangles my hair like this. I don't even know why I try.

Now that I think about it, my Dominican products/regimen PERIOD. WHY must I be such a PJ?

CoCasta Hair Oil. Nuff said.

Keeping it simple. I don't need nothing fancy or extra.
ubh creme moisturizer it really does i good job at moisturizing but i hate having to depend on something that i can only get over the internet but no matter what nothing does a better job
Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding - I have tried to swear this product off because of the ingredients and the price. I have also spent so much money trying to replace this styler and nada - nothing comes close...its just curls heaven!
Neutrogena Triple Moisture products. Poo, Con, Mask and leave in...... My hair was thriving then I decided to use other things for awhile.... Learned a hell of a lesson!!!! Had to cut of a lot of hair due to split ends and such....
Now I stockpile when ever I go to Walmart and I mean Stockpile!!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Castor oil. I went good while (i.e. months and months) without having it and I felt -- empty inside.

For some reason I felt I didn't need it. I was so wrong :spinning: