Yogurt? I'm calling you out Honeydew!!


New Member
Hey, I was wondering how you're using the yogurt for your hair treatments. Do you pre-poo with it, or deep-condition with it, or pre-poo with a warm towel, or under the dryer with it? If anyone else uses yogurt too, please feel free to chime in with your input also. TIA everyone:)
I deep condition with it - no heat though.

Someone Pm'ed me yesterday about this and this is my reply:

I first found out about it after seeing this recipe online. I do this weekly, expect I use an entire cup with some oil (Alma, jojoba, etc) and I leave it on for at least an hour.

Yogurt & Henna Conditioner for Brittle Hair

Combine ¼ cup of colorless henna powder with ½ cup plain yogurt. Apply the mixture to hair after shampooing, and leave on covered with a shower cap or plastic wrap for at least 20 minutes. Rinse, dry, and style as usual.

Be sure to use colorless henna for this treatment unless you want to dye it the color of the henna you use. Other than neutral henna, henna is commonly used in natural hair dye treatments for dark brown hair. Henna is a great conditioner, it evenly coats the hair follicle with a seal that helps lock in the hair’s natural oils and moisture. The hair’s cuticles are also tightened, giving the hair more shine.

Then I starting reseaching it. I think someone even put a patent (or tried to) on using yogurt as a hair treatment. This website is interesting about the benefits: http://www.freshpatents.com/Nutritiv...0050255070.php

I have been doing it weekly for about 5 weeks now and my hair is doing much better as far as moisture and strength is concerned. Actually this has become my protein treatment and I have not been using any protein conditioners. After my touchup I will use Aphogee Keratin conditioner, but otherwise, the yogurt can be my protein.

I am not quite sold on it totally replacing protein treatments, but for now it has helped me. Just in case it is too much protein, I am going to cut it down to every other week for about a month to see if I can tell a difference.
Honeydew, I was just going to PM you about this! I saw that yogurt in your avatar and I thought we were twins :lol: I've been using yogurt as one of my ingredients of my pre-shampoo protein treatment for three years (mayo, yogurt, egg, oil, EO). And my hair is super strong. I don't buy strong protein treatments anymore, just super moisturizing ones.

The indians have been doing this for centuries. I can't believe there's a patent on it :lol:
I looked on an indian site, and it talked about yogurt and fenugreek powder massaged in as a pre-poo to stimulate growth.
I've used yogurt sporadically over the last year or so when I have made a hair mask using either banana (or avocado) olive oil, ect., but lately, I have been adding egg and yogurt to my Africa's Best Organics Mayonnaise. I also opened up some spirulina and MSM capsules and a pack of plain, unflavored gelatin and added as well. I have been doing this a couple times a week for the last three weeks and my hair comes out feeling both soft, strong and moisturized. Whatever tangles that I may have had just seem to melt out.

ETA: I forgot to include the teaspoon of molasses and teaspoon of castor oil that I also add to the mix.
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anky said:
Honeydew, I was just going to PM you about this! I saw that yogurt in your avatar and I thought we were twins :lol: I've been using yogurt as one of my ingredients of my pre-shampoo protein treatment for three years (mayo, yogurt, egg, oil, EO). And my hair is super strong. I don't buy strong protein treatments anymore, just super moisturizing ones.

The indians have been doing this for centuries. I can't believe there's a patent on it :lol:

I know! Everybody trying to make that dollar?!

I actually thought of your mayo use after I started doing this.

My hair has really been enjoying these treatments.
SummerRain said:
Is there a "recipe" to use that doesn't include henna? Is a yogurt & egg white combo just as effective?

I have been thinking about this, as well. I don't always feel like dealing with the henna or cassia, but I like the way my hair has been responding to the yogurt.
This is what I found from Motowngirls site

Protein Conditioner

1 egg white
5 tbs of Plain Yogurt

She says to beat the egg white until its foamy...
Add the yogurt
Apply to hair in small sections
Leave on for 15 minutes
Follow with moisturizing deep conditioner
I mix my henna treatments in yogurt. It conditions the hair and makes the henna mix stretch for more treatments. I love it. I may need to try some of these conditioner recipes in this thread too.:)

A good recipe:

1 egg white
3 tablespoons mayo
3 tablespoons yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon EVOO
1 tablespoon any other oil you like (coconut, vitamin E, amla, etc.)
1 teaspoon coconut milk
So, I did it. I used yogurt and coconut milk as a pre-poo, and my hair LOVED it. I got the Seven Stars Farm brand from Whole Foods Market. It smelled so good I almost took a bite of yogurt, but by then it was too late since my hand had been messin' around with dirty hair already.
Yogurt is super moisturizing used alone. The milk fats and proteins are well balanced. May want to check out the Hennophiliacs thread as well. bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Yogurt is super moisturizing used alone. The milk fats and proteins are well balanced. May want to check out the Hennophiliacs thread as well. bonjour

I agree. I have found my treatments helpful in maintaining a good moisture balance.