Ya'll Ladies Have Me Scared, Protein BEFORE Neutralizing?


New Member
I heard and understand the science behind it, cuticles are still open - easy to penetrate, etc etc.

Still I'm scared, lol. I don't play with neutralizing because I don't want to burn and I've heard stories of some of the women on this board hair breaking off when they didn't neutralize properly.

What has been some of your experiences, did you notice a difference? Just share a wealth of info with me, anything I should try or look out for?
It made my hair feel really strong when I used the GVP Joico Kpak or the Aphogee 2 minute before neutralizing. You don't want to leave the protein conditioner on for a looooong time.. I find 2 minutes to be enough.. and that's not enough time between rinsing out the relaxer and neutralizing (in my opinion) to cause any damage.
Its not about protein solely; any nutrient and building block you want yo fortify your hair with needs to be done during the midstep.

The reason hair breaks after the relaxer as it pertains to improper neutralizing has to do with technique more than anything. If the relaxer is properly rinsed before the midstep, you are less likely to create an environment for breakage than bypassing completely.

In general, rinse the relaxer for approximately 5 mins, towel blot and check in small sections. Repeat if any creme residue is present.

After the midstep, proceed with your neutralizing shampoo.

Any midstep will contribute to the neutralization process as it will lower the Ph of the hair and scalp.

On my phone, sorry for any errors.
I don't do the mid-step protein treatment. It's more important to me to make sure my hair is neutralized properly. I've read SistaSlick's article and I get the logic behind it, unless it's part of the instructions that come with the relaxer, I personally, don't believe it's necessary. I do a protein treatment the week before and the wash after a relaxer, and I do a super-moisturizing DC after my relaxer, on relaxer day.

I also don't add stuff (oils, etc.) to my relaxer.
I have to admit, the Mid-protein step had me like :blush:
think i'll have to give that a go for my next relaxer.
Yes this is a logic choice to get the maximum protein strength, but when I use to relax I would sometimes add protein such as (silk amino acids) SAA, or a protein conditioner in the base. This gives a slight texlaxed look.
I am texlaxed and I am so scared of this. Does the protein work as a semi neutralizer or is the relaxer still relaxing while you do it? I want to try it but I did my first retouch about a month ago and nothing really took because I was so nervous I washed it out.
I always do a Mid-Step as my relaxer Motions requires it and it is also part of neutralizing step. Even if it wasn't a step I'd do it as my hair is strong after my relaxer.
I was a disbeliever at first too, but trust me it works. The moment you rinse out that protein reconstructor it gets rid of any tingling (well in my experience) it's almost as if it's helping the neutralizer do it's thing. By the time my hair has been fully neutralized it feels strong. I hardly lose any hair after a chemical service.
I leave the protein (Nexxus Keraphix) on for 3 minutes. I have been doing it for about a year and a half now. I neutralize with my neutralizing shampoo and apple cider vinegar and water (to speed up the neutralization process). My hair is much stronger and I do not experience breakage like I used to. For me, it has done nothing but help my hair. I went from damaged hair just above SL (and shorter in some spots) to just below full APL in just under 2 years.
I use a midstep protein before I neutralize. I just make sure to rinse the relaxer out VERY VERY well. I leave the midstep in for 5 to 10 minutes and then neutralize. I haven't had any problems with it.
Breaking from the lack of proper neutralizing will not happen because the process was delayed a few minutes. The breakage occurs after your hair is dried and your hair was still not properly neutralized.
random question:
excatly how do you apply it? :ohwell:.......like do you jst put it on the length of your hair....or do you also make sure it hits the scalp as well?
I have fine stands and the midstep treatment has help my hair tremendously and my hair is much stronger now.
I only wish I was doing it when I first joined the board because my hair was weak and damaged.
I swear by the midstep protein. In fact last week I relaxed. I used ORS Hair mayo for my midstep, I apply alot of the of my roots( where the relaxer just was) and also on my ends too. Whatever is left over goes on the length of my hair. I leave mine on for 5 mins, rinse it out and then neutralize. My hair is soooo much stronger, and the volume is unbelievable. Its not that typical "limp, stuck to your head, I just got my relaxer ". My hair still has alot of body.
random question:
excatly how do you apply it? :ohwell:.......like do you jst put it on the length of your hair....or do you also make sure it hits the scalp as well?

You put it all over your hair...generously...you make sure every strand is coated
I do the protein before neutralizing... to be honest i have noticed anything great or bad about it. I will continue to do it though.
The Water from simple rinsing has already lowering the PH Balance of the Relaxer though not totally able to completely neutralized it alone.:yep:

So, after rinsing thoroughly and adding the Mid-Protein Step, you are rebuilding the bonds of the hair that the relaxer had broken down during the chemical action of the straightening process, so your cuticle is fully open and ready to accept the protein treatment, rebuilder or whatever you choose to use.:yep:

Neutralizing after allowing the Mid-Protein Step to sit for 5-10 minutes will further lower and restore the PH Balance of your hair bringing it down to it's normal levels.:yep:

At this point, after rinsing the protein treatment out, I would allow for the neutralizing shampoo to sit a bit and then proceed to shampoo until all further residue from the relaxer is completely rinsed out. (I like a color alarm neutralizing shampoo for this).:yep:

Afterwards, I usually co-wash with Nutrine Garlic & DC w/Alter Ego Garlic DC'er. Or something along those lines.:yep:

The Mid-Step is definitely a must needed step, for those of us that relax and/or already have weak, fragile hair.:yep:
I did the midstep last week and I love it!! I added oil and shea butter to my relaxer (texlaxed). After rinsing, I used Joico-Kpak. Then I neutralized, and used Joico and a moisturizing DC. My hair is unbelievably strong....maybe too strong. I'm about to DC on dry hair and wash it in a sec though.

Good luck OP!
Yes i am texlaxed, and i have lost hair before from relaxing so i was scared to before i tried it:yep:

But i did it, and it made my hair feel softer AND stronger. My hair actually stop shredding for a bit.
I rinsed with cool water, protein for 5min, neutralize(let sit for 5min), ACV for 2min, rinse, neutralize(let it sit for 10min), ACV for 2min, then rinse

From my understanding water neutralizes, the protein treatment nuetralizes some more, ACV does too. Also your not suppose to leave the protein treatment on for a long amount of time because you have to move on to the shampoo... too neutralize some more.

Some even use ACV instead of nuetralizing shampoo. But i didnt:grin:
I have done this several times, and it definitely hasn't harmed my hair. I have not had the breakage that I had when I was relaxed in the past, and although that may be due to several things in my routine, I would assume that mid-step protein is a part of the reason.

My understanding is that once the relaxer is thoroughly rinsed out, the ph is sufficiently lowered that there is not enough "processing" going on to cause material damage by delaying complete neutralisation for a few minutes.

I did the midstep last week and I love it!! I added oil and shea butter to my relaxer (texlaxed). After rinsing, I used Joico-Kpak. Then I neutralized, and used Joico and a moisturizing DC. My hair is unbelievably strong....maybe too strong.

Can there be any such thing as too strong hair? Pls send some my way.

My question is, does anyone suffer reversion from this? (yes, i was once in the "reversion is not possible" camp, but experience has taught me that it *is* possible when protein is added to hair that is not relaxed completely straight. I don't mind so much for myself, but when I'm doing the hair of others who want bone straight tresses.)
I've done this a few times. Never had any problems. Like others said make sure you rinse the relaxer throroughly before applying the protein. The mid step isnt necessary but I think it can help prevent the thin/flat look that you sometimes get from a fresh relaxer.
I do this, so far no problems, but I don't keep it in long, I put it in, wait for a while and wash it out, and then wash 3x and then let the shampoo sit in so it can get to the roots, then I rinse and wash with a moisturizing shampoo, and then I do a moisturizing deep conditioner, I can tell a difference from when I didn't do this before, my max time is 2-3 mins, but not everyone can do this, so if I was you, I would rinse ALL the relaxer out, then got a quick protein 2 mins or less, and then rinse, and continue with what you do, if you don't like it or if you don't like the way it feels, then don't do it no more, I have never done this with Lye, I have always done this with no-lye(box kit).
I used to do this and I dont think it worked well for me. Started having some issue with my hair overprocessing and I dont think that step helped.

Now I get my neutralize on first and my hair is fine. I don't think the mid step is necessary.

One thing I do use as part of my neutralizing step is K-pak shampoo. It has a low pH, as the bottle shows and it is full of protien. I use it for the first 1 or 2 shampoos after rinsing out the relaxer. I think it helps a lot.
I love the mid step conditioning process. If you're scared you can always use a relaxer system that has a mid step conditioner, which in itself is a lower pH than your standard condtioner and it begins to lower the pH of your hair so you wont spend much time with using the neutralizing shampoo which is very drying. Some examples are vitale (my favorite) affirm and affirm fiberguard
Thanks for all your responses ladies, I think you've given me the courage to try this for my next relaxer (which is months away, whoo I'm sick, lol:lachen:) I don't have any issues with shedding or breakage but my ears did perk up when I heard it could help prevent some of that flat look (I know it's natural after a fresh relaxer but it still irks me)

Thanks again ladies!

ps. if this does cause my hair to break off I may have to hunt you all down :grin:, just kidding...sorta:whip: