yall, i just bc'd just now!


New Member
i just finished my bc! well, hubby did! i transitioned for almost 8 mos and i got the itch so i scratched it! i just did it. now i'm trying to figure out what to do with it. i still have a few strags at the top, but left them on purpose. i had more hair than expected. i can actually pull it into a nub and wear a phony pony if i wanted- who knew? we gave it a shape- sort of a mushroom for now:lachen::lachen:, but as i play with it a while i'll decide if i want to cut a little more or not. last time i bc'd was several years ago in my 20's and i cut it much shorter and i really liked that look. made me more sophisticated. i think i only transitioned for about 2 or 3 mos. i'll post pics tomorrow- well later today. can't seem to find my cord and can;t seem to feel like looking for it- it's 3AM! wish me luck and pour me down with advice and post pics of your looks to give me ideas.man i've got curls. signed, naturally yours.....ciao:blush:

ps after i cut i could see the cobre cellophane i got from rbh a little better!
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Congratulations on your chop!! Welcome to the natural side of things!! I'm sure you'll love it!!
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