Yall aint gonna believe this


New Member
In my best voice from White Chicks. I was really freakin out about my hair. It was still shedding so I said I would just suck it up n go to the salon n even if I had to get it cut I would be okay I just wanted it to stop cause I thought I was gonna go bald.

Well I get to the salon she is checking my hair I tell her what I have done she says okay let's do a good treatment. Well she places oil on my scalp, massages it in then she condish with Aveda color repair treament. I sit under the dry waiting for my hair to be cut. She drys it I don't c a piece of hair fall. She does her thing and checks my ends and says they r really good no trim needed. (white stylist cause a sista would have been like I gotta trim)

All that freakin out in she says ur hair is fine. Ur nape just needs some work. She suggests some products and gives me some samples tells me to try in not wear turtle necks or shirts with collars for awaile to get my nape growing. Well I was worried for nothing. I don't know what I did wrong!

I got in the car looked at my hair n was like y u doing me like this. :grin:

Thank God yall stood with a crazy sista. :lachen:
Yeah...I am dying to get some of that Aveda Color Conserve Repair Treatment (I think that's what it's called). I got a couple of samples from the Aveda store and they did put a halt to some shedding and breakage I was experiencing. Of course, I only had samples so the problem is back...come on tax refund check...mama has hair products to buy!

I'm glad your hair is doing better but, most importantly, you're not freaking out and crazed anymore.