XXX Hair Porn by Leobody on Youtube!!

I had to stop at :39, because my soul couldn't take it. :nono:

ETA: I went back and finished it, and I started laughing because at some parts, she was looking like the little girl from The Ring. :lachen:
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Lol, I loved her hair porn videos. Well, I liked the natural more than the straight hair one because the straight hair one was kinda weird. :-/
LOL, OMG I was just coming on here to see if anybody posted this, as I too was going to post as well. I had to pause it at 0:52 .... yeah I was getting all warm and fuzzy. She gives me chills!! I so love her hair and can't wait for mine to get that length. I will act a complete and utter fool!!! Did I mention how much I love her hair.....
Lol, I loved her hair porn videos. Well, I liked the natural more than the straight hair one because the straight hair one was kinda weird. :-/

LOL, yeah the more I watch the weirder it gets. I'm at 1:33 and just that putting the head down and pulling it back over and over again was a little weird. Gorgeous hair and gorgeous woman, but that was a bit weird. Maybe it's something her and her hubby do often, I felt like we weren't really supposed to be watching it for some reason. :perplexed
I had to stop watchin.... Beautiful hair....but..give me a break, she looks like she is gettin off on it ...I'm sorry I just couldn't watch all of it.
LOL, yeah the more I watch the weirder it gets. I'm at 1:33 and just that putting the head down and pulling it back over and over again was a little weird. Gorgeous hair and gorgeous woman, but that was a bit weird. Maybe it's something her and her hubby do often, I felt like we weren't really supposed to be watching it for some reason. :perplexed

Maybe she gets a lot questions asking if all the hair is hers so she posted this instead of answering that question. But I think it's all in fun. I would be happy with only half of what she has.