Wrapping your hair up at night..


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
I have a quick question for anyone willing to answer. So, I know we all wrap our hair with our satin scarves at night. My question is, what do you do the the hair underneath the scarf though? I used to wrap every night :hammer:, until i realized that it was causing major breakage to the left side of my hair (in addition to the major manipulation) So what do you ladies do at night? Any help would be greatly appreciated...I'm really trying to get on the road with my hair care and I think this would definitely help me increase the state of my hair. Thanks in advance ladies!
I massage my scalp with growth oils, smooth the top (as if that's really working now)...seal my ends, baggy the pony with a loose scrunchie...satin scarf the top...kinda tuck the tail of the scarf under the baggy and put a satin bonnet on top of it all.

This really works for me because before I added the bonnet, the satin scarf alway came off during the night. Something about that band on the bonnet that keeps everything on. However, my sides are still kinda out so the satin pillowcase catches that.:yep:

Grow...grow will yah:perplexed
Thanks a bunch. I masage my scalp every night with EVOO and then moisturize. I had started pulling it back into an untight ponytail, but im not sure if thats bad or not.
I do different things at night depending on the look I want to achieve. For curly styles - after a roller set for instance - I like to either pin curl or curl my hair with foam rollers and end papers to protect my ends. For super straight styles I like to cross wrap which up to about 5 weeks post I can do w/o any combs just finger comb it there, after that I use a wide tooth comb to lightly detangle if needed after moisturizing. If I know I'm going to wear my hair up or in a ponytail, I pull my hair back as though I were going to do a ponytail, then curl my ends under w/ a magnetic roller and baggie and tie my scarf on top of it.

I do moisturize and seal no matter what method I use at night which is the most important step for my hair. And I'm going to occasionally baggy my hair over my cross wrap this week to see how that works for me.... :yep:
If I'm not wearing it straight, I'll put my hair in one or two plaits and either pin down the ends or tuck them under my scarf. I started doing it so my hair wouldn't tangle but I really like that it gives my pony/bun some texture the next day.
I do a 10 minute scalp massage with oils (added that in the last few weeks) and moisturize my hair. I only wrap it when I have a fresh relaxer and maybe I only do it for a few days, so I rarely wrap, plus I'm not very good at it. Most of the time I put my hair in 4-6 plaits and roll it with a flexi rod so in the morning it's like a curly braid out. I wind up wearing it up anyway unless it looks really nice. That's when it gets old and I need a touch up. Also if I have a fresh touch up for a few weeks I will roller set with flexi rods until it starts getting nappy then it's back to the braid out.
I'm wash n go: I moisturize, pull my hair back and put one braid and put a little leave-in on the ends and tuck it under my silk bonnet. I cannot keep a scarf on my head all nite to save my life. :ohwell:

I used to just put on the bonnet, but then my hair would still get kind of tangled under there.
I moisturize, finger comb hair back and put on a silk scarf (I don't have much hair as you can see). Its 30" x 30". I can cross it around the back and tie it in the front. That sucker doesn't budge. Scarf below


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If my hair is loose, I moisturize and seal, and put my hair into 6-8 loose braids.

If my hair is twisted or braided, I don't do anything special to it.

I don't wear scarves to bed anymore; now I wear bonnets.
i moisturize and oil and then i put my hair in a bun. then i put the satin wrap scarf on. if i don't feel like the scarf i have a satin pillow case.

Om Namah Shivaye