
New Member

& Awww I got a shout out on the video, that was sweet!

Btw ya'll she said she wants to try Butters now (after my video) :grin:

although that Vaseline is seriously working for her hair like whoa!

I still think she will love natural butters and oils :yep:

childofda305 if you read this , thank you for the shout out and I love ur hair! I hope you like the butters when you get to try them, they do take some getting used to after using petroleum, but give them some time and they will grow on you big time! :yep:

wonderful job on the Video! :sneakyhug:
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What a sweet young lady and such beautiful hair!! I love it!

Whatever she's doing is definitely working because she has a beautiful head of healthy natural hair.

I like the bantu knots she did at the end, I might have to try those myself.

Keep up the great work childofda305 and don't let the negativity get you down!
What a mature and classy little girl.
She seems like a beautiful child, inside and out....
and of course she has gorgeous hair!
WOW!!!! PRETTY PRETTY HAIR!!!!!!!!! :yep: I agree, obviously she is doing something right, and I am glad that she pointed out that just because she has a youtube about her hair, that it does not mean she is not doing well in other avenues of her life. Shoot, I am on her all day, errr day it feels like, and I am in graduate school! :lachen:

And vaseline does work wonders!!!! I have been using vaseline for the past two wks now and my hair has been doing soooo good, except I only put in on the length of my hair to bun, not on my scalp.
It's great that she is posting vids :yep: He hair is gorgeous!

Now anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a very mean or negative person...

It's sad that the first thread turned out the way it did, bit the first few videos did leave people confused. I don't feel anyone ever REALLY bashed her or anything like that. It's just that it WAS a jumble of pictures with no explanations, the youtube account says the girl is in her 20's, the voice on the vids was a grown womans (her mom?), there looks to be two different people (her mom?) on the first vid.

Proof of that? Saida and propbably lots of others STILL don't even think it's a little girl :lol: That confusion doesn't come from no where. People didn't make up the discrepancies, it actually wasn't explained well at first.

Just saying... I'm not a hater. Just because I questioned what was being showed (initially) doesn't mean that I'm negative or have any ill will towards the girl. On my behalf, it never got nasty or personal, I just wanted to know who was who! I don't believe that the "heated" thread got like that simply because of jealousy.

I just feel that people are quick to label someone "hater"... or jealous or negative. In this case, I think I was justified in at least questioning the vids when they first began posting them.

Anyways, with that said... I think she's a great little girl! She seems intelligent, well rounded and of course, who could forget that head of hair? :clap:

It's great that she is posting vids :yep: He hair is gorgeous!

Now anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a very mean or negative person...

It's sad that the first thread turned out the way it did, bit the first few videos did leave people confused. I don't feel anyone ever REALLY bashed her or anything like that. It's just that it WAS a jumble of pictures with no explanations, the youtube account says the girl is in her 20's, the voice on the vids was a grown womans (her mom?), there looks to be two different people (her mom?) on the first vid.

Proof of that? Saida and propbably lots of others STILL don't even think it's a little girl :lol: That confusion doesn't come from no where. People didn't make up the discrepancies, it actually wasn't explained well at first.

Just saying... I'm not a hater. Just because I questioned what was being showed (initially) doesn't mean that I'm negative or have any ill will towards the girl. On my behalf, it never got nasty or personal, I just wanted to know who was who! I don't believe that the "heated" thread got like that simply because of jealousy.

I just feel that people are quick to label someone "hater"... or jealous or negative. In this case, I think I was justified in at least questioning the vids when they first began posting them.

Anyways, with that said... I think she's a great little girl! She seems intelligent, well rounded and of course, who could forget that head of hair? :clap:
You are totally right, I thought something was strange also, not a bad strange just different( I try to be observant of everything) and now I know why :grin:
I believe the reason why I seemed strange at first because it was done from a view point of a young girl, so she of course presents her views differently than adults.
It's great that she is posting vids :yep: He hair is gorgeous!

Now anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a very mean or negative person...

It's sad that the first thread turned out the way it did, bit the first few videos did leave people confused. I don't feel anyone ever REALLY bashed her or anything like that. It's just that it WAS a jumble of pictures with no explanations, the youtube account says the girl is in her 20's, the voice on the vids was a grown womans (her mom?), there looks to be two different people (her mom?) on the first vid.

Proof of that? Saida and propbably lots of others STILL don't even think it's a little girl :lol: That confusion doesn't come from no where. People didn't make up the discrepancies, it actually wasn't explained well at first.

Just saying... I'm not a hater. Just because I questioned what was being showed (initially) doesn't mean that I'm negative or have any ill will towards the girl. On my behalf, it never got nasty or personal, I just wanted to know who was who! I don't believe that the "heated" thread got like that simply because of jealousy.

I just feel that people are quick to label someone "hater"... or jealous or negative. In this case, I think I was justified in at least questioning the vids when they first began posting them.

Anyways, with that said... I think she's a great little girl! She seems intelligent, well rounded and of course, who could forget that head of hair? :clap:

Yes, I started the first thread and it was nothing more than to show a beautiful head of hair, never knew it would get so ugly:perplexed.
I read some of the thread she commented on in her vid.

I commend this mature lil girl!

I see nothing wrong with what she has done and is doing. Her hair is jaw dropping gorgeous.

If she were a member here she would fit right in, but because she is not the claws tend to come out, as they always seem to when a non-member does a YouTube vid.
That is definitely a little girl in the photos I have seen. I wasn't around when the ugly was going on that a lot are speaking on. I do think that her Mom is the one talking in the thought is she is just articulating what the little girl wants to say in a better way? I also think Mom is the one answering the ?'s in the comments of youtube. I am not saying the little girl is not intelligent, but it's pretty obvious that there is grown woman speaking in the videos and who is doing her hair for her. Her hair has been long since she was a baby, so of course Mom was doing it then when the little girl didn't even know what hair was. Just my opinion. Her hair is gorgeous nonetheless and I hope she keeps spreading the word. The methods she uses are pure ol school and black women had full heads of beautiful hair in the past and it wasn't until the bone straight look came in and home relaxer kits hit the shelves, when we started seeing all of these problems we are having today.
Her hair is very pretty. I'm not even her parent and I'm proud of how she handled everything - with class and a great attitude. LOVE IT.
she sure does have beautiful hair

whats her hair type?

I wondered the same thing.

She indeed has a beautiful head of hair and it is so nice to see her take so much pride in keeping her hair healthy. I think this was the same girl that on another video stated that she never uses chemicals, never uses a blow dryer and washes hair every two weeks. I thought to myself, gee...if I had your hair texture then maybe I could get away with that but unfortunately genetics had something different in mind for me. :perplexed

Nonetheless I hope she keeps on doing what she is doing!
Her hair is beautiful! I never looked at her videos and tried to avoid the posts but wow.
And she handled the situation well. Good for her.