Wow, Powdered MSM really does make a difference!

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I switched from Trimedica MSM capsules to Doctor's Best MSM Powder, and I'm experiencing faster new growth. I never really noticed faster growth when I was taking Trimedica, just decreased shedding and softer, somewhat elongated new growth. I was taking between 1000mg to 2000 mg of Trimedica daily, but gave it up because of the frequent headaches it gave me. I started taking 500mg daily of Doctor's Best about a month ago, and increased the doseage to 1000mg every other day about a week ago. Along with the benefits of looser, softer new growth, I've noticed that my hair is growing faster.

So, those of you taking MSM in capsule or tablet form, consider switching to a powdered formulation. It doesn't taste as horrible as I expected it to (I take it in plain water, and there's barely any taste), it doesn't contain any fillers (completely dissolves in water), and you may get better results because you are taking a pure, unadulterated form of MSM.
I agree too. i just made the switch to powder a week ago. I get 5000mg in 1 teaspoon as opposed to taking 5 pills to get the same dosage. And it absorbs in the system better.
I posted about this a while back but........ Anyway, When I first switched to the powder msm, my body reacted as if it had never had msm before, made me wonder just how much msm my body had been getting with those capsules. Im up to one teaspoon a day too. Usually in water, cranberry juice or grapefruit juice any juice slightly bitter itself will do
where to buy the powdered MSM? When you say powdered do you mean like the same form the BC powdered? Does it in a bottle or what?
hair said:
where to buy the powdered MSM? When you say powdered do you mean like the same form the BC powdered? Does it in a bottle or what?

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Yes, it looks similar to BC powder only the crystals are a lil bigger. They dissolve right into the water and disappear. You can get it from the Vitamin Shoppe.
Thanks for the info!
I was debating on wether to take the pills or the powder. Powder it is.
No, I don't get the headaches with this particular brand of MSM powder. It could be because I started with a relatively low dose of 500mg and just recently increased it to 1000mg every other day. Although, prior to taking Trimedica capsules, I was taking NOW capsules and didn't have headaches. So, maybe I'm sensitive to something in the Trimedica capsules. I don't know. Another advantage of using powder is that you can experiment with the dosages. My particular brand, Doctor's Best, recommends taking 1000mg to 4000mg in divided doses, so I may work up to taking 4000mg.
Okay. Now it all makes sense. I tried MSM based on reviews from London Diva months ago (I think she was taking the powder); however, I bought the capsules. I didn't notice a change in the texture of my hair but it really helped me with my back problems so I continued taking them. There was another post I beleive in early November where a member was saying there is a difference between OptiMSM and Lignisual MSM. I tried an Opti brand (BlueBonnet) after I ran out of the Lignisual and once again I still haven't noticed a change in the texture. Now I get it! I'll get the powder when I run out of the capsules.

Check out these reviews from


"I have been taking the MSM in conjunction with vit C,my multiple,and vit E. I really like it. The one thing I suggest is that you drink a lot of water. Not only does that help me flush out toxins,but i guess that it's supposed to help. The body uses what it needs,and the rest is flushed out. I have noticed that my nails are so much stronger,longer! Plus, I really wasn't even paying attention to my hair,but when I put it up in a puff the other day,I noticed that it looked bigger! I have only
been taking it a litte over a month,but I don't get any weird side effects,or anything like that. I did my homework on this stuff though. I would suggest that you do the same. Don't take others word as definite,because the stuff reacts differently in everyone."


"MSM is in 90% of all the hair, skin and nails vitamins on the market because it aids in the production of methionine and cystein which form healthy tissue and hair. It's also in most products for joint health. Not all MSM is equal, some versions are more pure than others.

If your hair is the texture it would normally be under perfect conditions then you probably won't experience a change in texture but for those of us who used to have one texture that later turned into another after scalp damage, years of perming, a sickness,pregnancy or moving to a hard water area then maybe MSM can help it return to it's original healthy state which for me would be 4a/3c hair.

As for doing research, like I said, look up sulfur deficiency or sulfur amino acid and hair through Medline which lists EVERY legitimate medical study in the national library of medicine published since the mid seventies. Another suggestion would be to do a general search in the internet under MSM and hair. The texture change seems to be a side effect of the other benefits. Even those with straight hair report changes in the strength and softness of their hair so it seems to improve texture overall,
regardless of hair type."


" I used to use the powder MSM and it's true my hair grew like crazy!!!! At the time i was relaxing my hair and i had at least an inch of new growth about 2 weeks after i was taking it religiously."


" It does work. Remember i found more success with the powder form than the capsule/pill form. I've read in another hair thread that the pill should float in water to test it's purity. "

" I use to have the powder with Orange Juice. If you mix it with the OJ it's VERY bitter. I would take the teaspoon of MSM in my mouth and wash it down with OJ. It's as pure as it can get and it grows your hair tremendously."

Here is LondonDiva's original post
Thanks for the info. I suspected this but wasn't sure. Is Doctor's Best an OptiMSM brand?

Chichi said:
Thanks for the info. I suspected this but wasn't sure. Is Doctor's Best an OptiMSM brand?


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No, it's Lignisul.
What is the whole name of MSM? Can I just go into the vitamin shop and ask for the powered MSM and they should know what it is? What other pills do you need to take with that in order for it to work. I'm currently taking biotin and a multi-vitamin. I'm trying to restore my hair. Do you think this will assist?
The whole name of MSM is methylsulfonylmethane. The folks at the VS will most likely know it by msm vs. methylsulfonylmethane. It's in the joint support section.
Man I wished that I had viewed this post before I made my purchase on Wednesday for the MSM pills. Oh well, I may just splurge on the powdered form anyway. Does anyone know if I can find this powdered form in Sam's?


Re: Wow, Powdered MSM really does make a differenc

this makes me think even though I'm getting good results with trimedica brand msm(which I'm loving
) maybe I will get even better results with the powder
I need to try this. I just got my hair analysis back and my hair needs aminos and vitamins. Plus my hair cuticle are damaged.
I'm soooo mad... I ordered the tablets instead of the capsules... They are HUGE! I think I'm going to try to grind them up into a powder...
My MSM pills are huge too
but boy is my one two combo of MSM and biotin making my hair and nails grow faster
I'm plucking my eyebrows 3x more often than before...