I have been taking Viviscal for about a month. Just a few days ago I added Hairtopia. I got my hair rebraided (in the silky dreads style) and I think I am noticing growth already. By growth I mean it usually takes my hair a week to recover after being braided but today not even two days later, the pain is beginning to subside. Let me tell you, my head was seriously hurting me when I got my hair done on Friday. I swear she braided it tighter this time because for silky dreads, she has to braid my entire head and then go over each braid and twist them again. I was damn near in tears in the chair. I don't take aspirin because it makes me nauseous so I usually sit there and cry and suffer for a whole week. The last time I got my hair braided in April, it took about six days for my scalp to recover, (according to my hair journal). I know it is far too early for serious growth, but it has never taken under a week for the initial braid tightness to go away. I am taking this as a good sign that the pills are working. Whether it is the pills or not, this day will go down in my own little braid history. For the first time ever, two nights after braids, I will be able to lay my whole head down on a pillow and sleep comfortably, something I wasn't even able to do 24 hours ago. Thank goodness something FINALLY works! I just may be on my way.