Would You Rather Have Damaged Relaxed Hair or Healthy Natural 4b Hair?

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I have seen some relaxed heads irl that looked damaged beyond repair. (thin edges due to relaxers, straggly ends, etc) They relax at every chance they get. They absolutely refuse to follow healthy hair techniques.

I asked one girl why don't you lay off the chemicals for awhile and go natural. Her response," I don't have that type of hair. I have nappy hair". "It won't look good".I was like :eh:. You would rather look like a chicken attacked your head rather than have thick healthy natural hair just because you don't like the natural hair that grows out of your head.

So my question is, would you rather have damaged relaxed hair or healthy natural 4b hair? It's sad to say but some women would actually say they would keep the damaged relaxed hair just because of their natural hair type.

Disclaimer: I know every natural head is not healthy.
I would take healthy over damaged anyday. But, if this girl doesn't know how to take care of her relaxed,hair, she definitely will not know how to take care of it being natural. Even if she stops relaxing that doesn't mean that she will have care-free hair. Have you asked about her regi?
Easy- I would rather have healthy 4b hair. If I felt the need to straighten it, I can always flat iron it. I don't think there's any reason to hold on to damaged, relaxed hair. It would continue to break off.
It's a one sided question. Natural hair is very pretty, but I personally think it is not for me. I would rather have relaxed hair rather than natural hair anyday because it fits my personality and I'm content with the state of my hair as it is now--relaxed. Now of course you would rather have HEALTHY natural hair over DAMAGED relaxed hair. But not every relaxed head is damaged. And I kinda hate that word because damaged connotates that it is beyond repair. With a lil snippity snip here and a protein/moisture treatment here all relaxed hair could be just as healthy as its natural counterparts.

Call me krazy but I'd rather have relaxed or texlaxed hair anyday! Straight hair dun care! :grin:
I would take healthy over damaged anyday. But, if this girl doesn't know how to take care of her relaxed,hair, she definitely will not know how to take care of it being natural. Even if she stops relaxing that doesn't mean that she will have care-free hair. Have you asked about her regi?

Thank you! As if naturals don't have damaged hair.:rolleyes: Either way, if she can't take care of it, her hair will still look like ish.

The question is a no-brainer. We all want healthy hair. If my hair was damaged relaxed and i didn't want to take that leap to going natural, then I'd just find ways to treat my RELAXED hair.

Going natural is a bit of a leap for some and requires time, patience and just as much care if not MORE if you are transitioning. Geez, stretching was hard for me. She can keep her damaged relaxed hair. Take care of that FIRST then make the transition to natural.
I know that all relaxed heads are not damaged to the extent where it really shows. I'm talking about those relaxed heads that refuse to listen to any helpful healthy hair tips. Their hair is tore up. Examples: Edges are non-existant, tweety bird ponytail, dry hair all the time, long stringy hair, etc.
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I know that all relaxed heads are not damaged. I'm talking about those relaxed heads that refuse to listen to any helpful healthy hair tips. Their hair is tore up. Examples: Edges are non-existant, tweety bird ponytail, dry hair all the time, long stringy hair, etc.

Just let 'em go bald! And then go swing your WL hair in their face. It takes something horrific for some people to change. They never listen...
Even though a person doesn't have a knowledge to care for their natural hair, it is still better because you don't already have the chemical damage that a relaxer will do to your hair.
It's a one sided question. Natural hair is very pretty, but I personally think it is not for me. I would rather have relaxed hair rather than natural hair anyday because it fits my personality and I'm content with the state of my hair as it is now--relaxed. Now of course you would rather have HEALTHY natural hair over DAMAGED relaxed hair. But not every relaxed head is damaged. And I kinda hate that word because damaged connotates that it is beyond repair. With a lil snippity snip here and a protein/moisture treatment here all relaxed hair could be just as healthy as its natural counterparts.

Call me krazy but I'd rather have relaxed or texlaxed hair anyday! Straight hair dun care! :grin:

I would take healthy over damaged anyday. But, if this girl doesn't know how to take care of her relaxed,hair, she definitely will not know how to take care of it being natural. Even if she stops relaxing that doesn't mean that she will have care-free hair. Have you asked about her regi?

ITA with you both.
i'm so glad I broke that trend...4b natural n healthy...my hair may be short but atleast its growing out healthy strands. I say kick that damn creamy crack to the curb if don't know how to maintain the addiction.

I know someone who would rather have dogg...naw, naw, dogg hair is longer than hers...just imagine having hair that is ear length on the sides, a grown out fade with patches missing at the nape and the crown(!) especially in the middle, and hair that may grow right up above the eyebrow. If you ask how long her hair is, she'll respond, its ear length or past ear length:rolleyes:, goal figure eh! Uh Regis, I'll take the healthy hair for 200 plz! So everytime I'm in town I'm always cutting it and giving her a supershort style...working around the patches, telling her to lay off the cream for about a year to get some very promising results, stop letting s 'n j braid your hair (especially after a relaxer) cuz dem 2 iches r pulling out your hair, dc's and cow never happen...etc, etc....she never takes my advice after asking me 50 million questions and yet every year I find myself back at square one with her hair.
Even though a person doesn't have a knowledge to care for their natural hair, it is still better because you don't already have the chemical damage that a relaxer will do to your hair.

I disagree and I haven't been natural since age 4. I've seen a lot of ef'd up natural heads that just don't know how to take care of it. Not having a relaxer chemical doesnt mean they dont put other chemicals or an astronomical amount of heat on their head or other bad practices.

A relaxer is just ONE component of having damaged hair. There are MANY others.
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i'm so glad I broke that trend...4b natural n healthy...my hair may be short but atleast its growing out healthy strands. I say kick that damn creamy crack to the curb if don't know how to maintain the addiction.

I know someone who would rather have dogg...naw, naw, dogg hair is longer than hers...just imagine having hair that is ear length on the sides, a grown out fade with patches missing at the nape and the crown(!) especially in the middle, and hair that may grow right up above the eyebrow. If you ask how long her hair is, she'll respond, its ear length or past ear length:rolleyes:, goal figure eh! Uh Regis, I'll take the healthy hair for 200 plz! So everytime I'm in town I'm always cutting it and giving her a supershort style...working around the patches, telling her to lay off the cream for about a year to get some very promising results, stop letting s 'n j braid your hair (especially after a relaxer) cuz dem 2 iches r pulling out your hair, dc's and cow never happen...etc, etc....she never takes my advice after asking me 50 million questions and yet every year I find myself back at square one with her hair.

It's a shame that people will not listen. They will eventually learn hopefully.
You posed the question like the choice was between two terrible options.


I don't think the options was terrible. I thought it was a valid question because many women in real life would rather keep damaged relaxed hair than go natural ( and have a shot at healthy hair) because they don't like their hairtype. (which happens to be 4b)
I don't think the options was terrible. I thought it was a valid question because many women in real life would rather keep damaged relaxed hair than go natural ( and have a shot at healthy hair) because they don't like their hairtype. (which happens to be 4b)

But why do they have to go natural? Why can't they stretch and/or adopt healthier relaxed hair care methods?

I can't tell someone with damaged relaxed hair to just go natural gung ho. She has to get heathly hair care down first then stretch and if she can handle the stretching and new methods, THEN go natural.
I disagree and I haven't been natural since age 4. I've seen a lot of ef'd up natural heads that just don't know how to take care of it. Not having a relaxer chemical doesnt mean they dont put other chemicals or an astronomical amount of heat on their head or other bad practices.

A relaxer is just ONE component of having damaged hair. There are MANY others.

This is true but I gurantee you that there more messed-up relaxed heads than natural heads. I think relaxers tend to lead to more damaging haircare practices,
I disagree and I haven't been natural since age 4. I've seen a lot of ef'd up natural heads that just don't know how to take care of it. Not having a relaxer chemical doesnt mean they dont put other chemicals or an astronomical amount of heat on their head or other bad practices.

A relaxer is just ONE component of having damaged hair. There are MANY others.
I agree. I mean, if a natural wanted to wear straight styles on a regular basis then they may be causing more damage with all of the extra heat to maintain a straight style...only to have to do it again within the next day or so because it reverts. Umm, I'll keep my relaxed hair anyday. :yep:
But why do they have to go natural? Why can't they stretch and/or adopt healthier relaxed hair care methods?

I can't tell someone with damaged relaxed hair to just go natural gung ho. She has to get heathly hair care down first then stretch and if she can handle the stretching and new methods, THEN go natural.

Because they refuse to do so.
I think it's a common piece of understanding that most black women would rather have STRAIGHT hair - no matter what it's state of health, than nappy hair, no matter it's state of health.

I mean - really, isn't that the root of all the good hair/bad hair thought patterns? Better hair is straighter hair, not necessarily healthier hair.


I don't think LHCF is the right place to ask this question - anonymity of the internet aside, not many people will be willing to own up to that much adherence to the good hair/bad hair beliefs.

IRL however, I suspect the deck would be stacked on the side of straight hair. Heck, when it comes down to it, it's not even a suspicion - having seen the heads I've seen, and the chemical damage on those heads.... yeah.

Straight hair wins.
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