Would You Date Him??


New Member
I have a friend at work who is single and dating (as am I...); we share our dating stories all the time, and the other day she told me that the guy she is dating now admitted to her that he was in rehab 20 years ago (he's in his 40's now), and has been clean and drug free ever since. He also just admitted that he is taking Paxil for anxiety. He claims that he went to the hospital with chest pains and freaked out because he thought he was having a heart attack (he wasn't) and the doctor put him on Paxil.

She asked me if I think she should continue to date him. They've been talking to each other online for about 8 months, and just recently met in person for the first time. She said that she isn't really all that attracted to him physically, but thought he was a nice guy and enjoyed his company. I actually applaud the guy for being so honest, because he really didn't have to disclose these things to her...

What would YOU do?? Honestly, would you date this guy?
I have a friend at work who is single and dating (as am I...); we share our dating stories all the time, and the other day she told me that the guy she is dating now admitted to her that he was in rehab 20 years ago (he's in his 40's now), and has been clean and drug free ever since. He also just admitted that he is taking Paxil for anxiety. He claims that he went to the hospital with chest pains and freaked out because he thought he was having a heart attack (he wasn't) and the doctor put him on Paxil.

She asked me if I think she should continue to date him. They've been talking to each other online for about 8 months, and just recently met in person for the first time. She said that she isn't really all that attracted to him physically, but thought he was a nice guy and enjoyed his company. I actually applaud the guy for being so honest, because he really didn't have to disclose these things to her...

What would YOU do?? Honestly, would you date this guy?
If the attraction isn't there at all, firstly, then no. Everything else seals the deal. Physical attraction isn't everything at ALL. Is she honestly concerned that he'll relapse? Would she be willing to stick through it with him "just in case?"
I would say no I wouldn't date him. Not because of his past or the fact that he is on Paxil at the present time but you said she admitted that she wasn't really that attracted to him. Not that looks are everything but if there is no intial attraction or chemistry what so ever, then I wouldn't do it.
Well there must've been some chemistry being that she enjoyed his company, she just wasnt that physically attracted to him. But Im not sure. He would have to be hella nice for me to deal with all that.
Well there must've been some chemistry being that she enjoyed his company, she just wasnt that physically attracted to him. But Im not sure. He would have to be hella nice for me to deal with all that.

Yes, she's not really all about the looks when it comes to the guys she dates... :look: But I understand what you're saying, totally, about him having to be hella nice... that's the way I feel about it, too, but I don't really want to tell her that. I mean, I know everyone has their issues (she's no exception!!)... and the guy could have NOT told her and then sprung it on her when she was, well, SPRUNG... :look:
Paxil? Paxil is used for depression, obessive-compulsive disorders, and anxiety attacks.

Nawww...I ain't buyin dat one...dat bama havin withdrawals....

Ex junkies always runnin to the doctor to get more drugs, so technically, he ain't clean in my book... then they met online? He prolly was chattin from da rehab clinic...tawkin bout he clean....GTF outta hea....