Would you date a man ...


Well-Known Member
Would you date a man 4 yrs younger than you?

There's this guy who's a friend of a friend, who's trying to pursue me. He's a good guy, great career- has his masters then went back to school for his law degree. He's pretty accomplished so far, but the problem is he's only 25! and I'm 29. He's younger than one of my younger brothers and that bothers me. I feel bad for writing him off before even giving him a chance, but there's just no way I can do it..

I just think the whole dynamics of a relationship will be weird ..

So-- have you dated anyone considerably younger? How much younger and how was the whole relationship?
Sounds like you only know of him "on paper". Why not go out for coffee and get know him a little better? You might find that he is far more mature than his age; which may help you see him in a non-brotherly like manner.
I would give him a chance.

I've never dated a man more than a year younger that me, personally, but it's really not intentional. I relate better to people in general that are older, and tend to hang out places where there's an older crowd.
I prefer older but the guy is worthy of a chance so I would do a date and see how that goes.
I wouldn't date someone four years younger than me right now because I'm only 25. The 25-29 age gap doesn't seem bad to me though. Especially considering he has his head on his shoulders.
Nahhh, I don't think I could. I'd ideally want someone older than me. I'd consider younger if I were much older like mid 40s and better. If I go 4 years younger that person is still in there late 20s... I want someone more seasoned than that :lol:.
I dated someone 6 yrs younger, and it didn't work based off his maturity level, and he was emotionally distant since IMO he was too young to express his thoughts. I also dated someone 3 yrs younger, but he had the same emotionally detached issue with his emotions. I will never date younger than maybe a yr or two ever again.
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I couldn't personally, especially in my twenties.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
My ex-husband is 16 months younger than me and I hated that. I like older men.

However, if he is a good guy get to know him. You never know.
Personally younger men are attracted to me more so than older ones. As long as the gap isn't significant im good as ling as hes a goid person.

For others, younger crowd age group does matter. 20 vs 16? Uh negatory. Mid 20s is circumspect depending on goals and maturity level.
i dated a guy 7 years younger and he was cool I didn't feel too much of a gap with him . We got along really well and had chemistry
no but thats because that would make him 23 and thats just a baby, hell im still a baby(let me be young dammit). anyway i prefer older. id date a 40 year old which is much older but i prefer not to date younger.
The youngest I've ever dated that I am aware of one was one year younger and the other was two years younger. The one that was one year younger acted like I was a much older woman the way he talked about our "age gap". The man was loco en la cabeza.

The man that was two years younger, I could never tell. It was never brought up and I it was a great relationship but I moved. Wrong time, wrong place but that was a great relationship. He was very mature.

That's it nothing younger except for the 18 - 20 year olds who thought I was around the same age. They just didn't know. It made me smile but a smile was as far as I was going with it.

I say go for it if after a date or two you forget about the age thing. I have married friends where the woman was 5 plus years older.
Uh no. But that's only because he'll be 20. If I can't drink with ya, I can't date ya. They do try though.

But when I'm older, unless that person is really mature for his age I don't think it will happen. I would dominate way too much.
I say go for it if after a date or two you forget about the age thing. I have married friends where the woman was 5 plus years older.

I have to agree wholeheartedly with this. I think so many women over think this stuff. I wouldn't try to peer too far into the future on this one. Do you find him attractive? Does he meet your basic criteria for giving your phone number to or going on a date with a man? If the answer to these questions is yes then simply allow him to drive the course of things and sit back and observe. I have friends who are happily married to men more than 5 years younger than them. I don't think they were looking for younger men but the dudes proved themselves to be good partners.
If the guy has asked you out already then going on one date is really not a big deal. It doesn't mean that you're pursuing a relationship with the man. So keep it easy and breezy, watch his actions, and wait to see what he shows you. If you keep the initial stages in perspective you should be able to have fun while finding out of this guy could really be a potential partner.
I've never dated a guy more than 2 years younger than me and when I did it kinda bothered me. Most guys I dated were older seems to be what I attract.

Plus my little brother is 26 I'm in my early 30's I couldn't date him because I think he is too immature.

But not every situation is like that. Going out with this guy once isn't going to hurt. If after one or two dates you find it weird then don't date anymore, no harm done.
I've dated guys who were younger than me, though by less than a year, and I hated it. I kind of hate dating guys who are older than me but by only a year or three too. I prefer 3-5 years differene.
25 isn't bad but be careful. Some are emotionally immature especially regarding relationships

35 is the oldest I'd date. And they'd have to be a young and modern and fit 35.
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