Would you be interested in having a weekly LHCF bible study thread???


Well-Known Member
Perhaps we could choose a scripture/passage and conduct a discussion about it....or maybe someone could volunteer to teach on it.
Please throw out some ideas of how we would conduct this if you have any. I just thought it would be beneficial....especially if we have members who don't open their bibles often. It would be a good way for them to still learn. And help some of the rest of us get different perspectives on the things we read.

What do you all think?

If we organize this soon...perhaps we can start next week.
I was thinking that we shouldn't hold it on a Wednesday which is the typical night for bible study at most churches. Maybe Tuesday or Thursday?

What do you ladies think? I'm open to all ideas!!!!!!!!

Bible Study Threads
Week 1- http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?p=5138531#post5138531
Week 2- http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=262601
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Sounds good. I had tried to start one before but not many people replied. What about if you have it as a weekly study and just have the title to include the week and topic. That way, people can respond all week long.
I think this is a good idea bc i am in a stage in my life that i need prayer and motivation from people like u all.

Ideas we could pick topics to discuss and then find scriptres that relate and why and even give examples in our lives if we have any.


so this would be great.

all week sounds good but new topics each wed??
I think this is a good idea bc i am in a stage in my life that i need prayer and motivation from people like u all.

Ideas we could pick topics to discuss and then find scriptres that relate and why and even give examples in our lives if we have any.

I love this idea!!!!:yep:
I think this is a good idea bc i am in a stage in my life that i need prayer and motivation from people like u all.

Ideas we could pick topics to discuss and then find scriptres that relate and why and even give examples in our lives if we have any.


so this would be great.

all week sounds good but new topics each wed??

I would like to participate as well....
I'm interested. So when we getting started, Kweenameena?
Wow......didn't know that anyone was really going to be interested since this thread wasn't getting much play at first.
But I'd love some ideas on how we want to do this and then I'll get this strarted right away. I too am finding myself drift away and need to get a little more ground. Especially after that thread that just got locked.
I will volunteer to lead a study. We can do it by topic or by verse. I prefer topic, that way you can utilize multiply verses and define life applications for the verses that are related to a specific topic. If we can come up with a list of topic/verses and have that as a guideline, it would be easier to stick with, then you may be able to get volunteers to lead a study based upon what they are comfortable with. IMHO to ensure proper teaching/leading and knowledgableness, we can have a little mini salvation statement that each of us agrees to. I say this because everyone who reads the Bible, is not necessarily saved. Can we make sure that all leaders are saved? i.e. repented, believes in Jesus as God's one and only begotton son, turning from sin, accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That may be extreme but, the devil knows scripture too and use it against us. I don't want any of us to fall victim to these types of tactics.
I will volunteer to lead a study. We can do it by topic or by verse. I prefer topic, that way you can utilize multiply verses and define life applications for the verses that are related to a specific topic. If we can come up with a list of topic/verses and have that as a guideline, it would be easier to stick with, then you may be able to get volunteers to lead a study based upon what they are comfortable with. IMHO to ensure proper teaching/leading and knowledgableness, we can have a little mini salvation statement that each of us agrees to. I say this because everyone who reads the Bible, is not necessarily saved. Can we make sure that all leaders are saved? i.e. repented, believes in Jesus as God's one and only begotton son, turning from sin, accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That may be extreme but, the devil knows scripture too and use it against us. I don't want any of us to fall victim to these types of tactics.

I am going to respectfully disagree with that. I don't want anyone to feel like that can not participate. I thought the point of this bible study was to help people to get on the right path, to keep on the right parth, or for some...to simply take an opportunity to renew or being their relationship and become closer to God.
I don't think we should be excluding people or having any sort of "initiation". We are not trying to turn people away. This is supposed to be an oppurtunity (I thought) for people who have not really been as focused as they want to be, to come forward in a discussion, without feeling judged for their views, without there being a competition of some sort of who is saved or not, without heirachy, but just to commune together and help each other get closer to God...whether one is saved or not.
(Also everyone has different opinions about what is "saved" and what isn't)
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Perhaps we could choose a scripture/passage and conduct a discussion about it....or maybe someone could volunteer to teach on it.
Please throw out some ideas of how we would conduct this if you have any. I just thought it would be beneficial....especially if we have members who don't open their bibles often. It would be a good way for them to still learn. And help some of the rest of us get different perspectives on the things we read.

What do you all think?

If we organize this soon...perhaps we can start next week.
I was thinking that we shouldn't hold it on a Wednesday which is the typical night for bible study at most churches. Maybe Tuesday or Thursday?

What do you ladies think? I'm open to all ideas!!!!!!!!

Sounds like a plan...so what's up with the idea? First time I noticed this thread and it has been around for a while- I'm in.
I am going to respectfully disagree with that. I don't want anyone to feel like that can not participate. I thought the point of this bible study was to help people to get on the right path, to keep on the right parth, or for some...to simply take an opportunity to renew or being their relationship and become closer to God.
I don't think we should be excluding people or having any sort of "initiation". We are not trying to turn people away. This is supposed to be an oppurtunity (I thought) for people who have not really been as focused as they want to be, to come forward in a discussion, without feeling judged for their views, without there being a competition of some sort of who is saved or not, without heirachy, but just to commune together and help each other get closer to God...whether one is saved or not.
(Also everyone has different opinions about what is "saved" and what isn't)

I feel you. Point taken. My reason was because my thinking is that if someone would be leading a teaching about the Bible, they would have some testimony that would lead them to lead a study. Not to exclude anyone though. I agree that anyone should be welcome to participate. Now, if the intention is just to discuss the Bible, then by all means, anyone can lead in discussion on that. But for me, I would want someone leading me, who was leading me in the righteous direction, rather than just leading me somewhere unknown.---For example, I would not go to a church where a pastor was not saved either--that would be backwards to me. But that is just my opinion though. I guess it is up to OP to decide how to best do it.
I feel you. Point taken. My reason was because my thinking is that if someone would be leading a teaching about the Bible, they would have some testimony that would lead them to lead a study. Not to exclude anyone though. I agree that anyone should be welcome to participate. Now, if the intention is just to discuss the Bible, then by all means, anyone can lead in discussion on that. But for me, I would want someone leading me, who was leading me in the righteous direction, rather than just leading me somewhere unknown.---For example, I would not go to a church where a pastor was not saved either--that would be backwards to me. But that is just my opinion though. I guess it is up to OP to decide how to best do it.

You are right it is good to have some type of guidance. However, I wouldn't want it to seem like their way would be the be all and end all to everything. Hence why everyone will be able to participate and give their understanding of the reading.
I felt as though the leader of that week would prepare the topic that would be for discussion as well as pick out the readings that they would like us to focus on for that week of discussion. (But I know the guidelines have not been set yet)
Don't get me wrong. I would love those women that are saved to volunteer to lead the discussions. :yep: I just feel as though if a person who is not saved does volunteer, we should not turn them away. Give them a chance...it might actually be helping them get closer to God, or they could bring up an issue that they would like to discuss, or maybe there is a reading that they are stuggling to understand how to apply it to their daily life and would like to get a more Christian-like understanding of it once we all get together to discuss it.
I guess I believe too much in the good of people. You can't think negatively all the time. We are coming together as a group for a good thing, so try to make only positive thoughts come your way and we will focus on positive outcomes. I don't know what it is....but I truly believe that those people that will volunteer to lead are going to be the people with good intentions...and why would anyone turn someone away for that?
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So that we can start with this right away.....we will post new topics every Thursday and respond with our scriptures, testimonies, questions (on that topic) all week long. If the spirit moves you to teach/preach then that will be fine too!!

I'll start a new thread with our first week's topic.

Please be sure to post other topics that you'd like us to cover. Also, please let me know if you'd like to lead a topic/discussion

I don't really want to draw up too many rules and guidelines. I'd like to keep our threads as welcoming and comfortable as possible. We are all here to learn and encourage each other. There might be times when we disagree but it should all be in love.
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