Would u date a preacher?

Would u date a Preacher?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 19.0%
  • No

    Votes: 73 73.0%
  • Depends..Please explain

    Votes: 8 8.0%

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Nope. cuz I believe being a pastor's wife is a calling as well, and I KNOW FOR A FACT I was not called to be a pastor's wife.
my sentiments exactly.

I have dated a preacher and it was HORRIBLE. My whole life was a series of "grin and bear it." I had to get rid of him, too bad he is still chasing after me.....

Funny thing is everyone knows I'm a "liberal" and an outspoken agnostic, but I guess the fact that I have conservative family values and come from a religious family made me "acceptable."
Given my experience being raised around "men of the cloth" and other preachers kids, I should have known better :look:....

This thread was bumped at the perfect time!

So this same preacher has been blowing up my phone again for the past few weeks. He doesnt get it. I don't do religion. I don't know how many times I can tell this fool I WILL NOT MARRY YOU. geez. I told him he needs to make more money before I consider going to church :look:....I'd be the worst first lady ever. I'm wayyyy to selfish and love 4-letter words way too much.[]
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:grin: I totally had forgotten about this thread Keshieshimmer

I was asked out when I was in graduate school by a guy that was in seminary school at the same university and he also pastored a church on the weekends. Initially he was really nice and polite and so I agreed to go out with him. The first couple of dates were nice. We had great conversation and I liked spending time with him, but I had just broken up with my boyfriend like a month before so I was really just wanting to hang out and have a friendship. The polite preacher knew about my break-up and asked me out for Valentine's Day a few weeks later so this was like out 3rd or 4th date. We went to the movies and then went to dinner. At dinner we had a casual conversation about the movie and what we thought about it and all of a sudden he says "You move too slow". I was like "Huh, slow??" "What does that mean?" He then begins to tell me that by now he would have gotten a kiss or something from any other woman he had dated in the past and since it was Valentine's Day he wanted to know if he could spend the night with me. He then began to tell me that he got plenty of action being a preacher and that women usually threw themselves at him. :stop:Say what??? :perplexed I told him that I was sorry he felt that way, but I was not that type of woman, I was a lady and that at the end of the night I would be going home alone. I decided not to go out with him anymore, but we still remained distant friends. Crazy preacha!!! :spinning:

Umm...waiting. lol:lol:

See, this right here is part of what makes me say no too. I know some of these preachers are a mess and a half. I wouldn't want to deal with the regular female/male relationship issues + the religious aspect. Plus I mean honestly, if I'm struggling with my flesh, I sure as heck don't need a preacher egging me on to give up the goods :lol:. What does that look like!

Preachers on #2 on my top five list of men that I would never date. I've seen them do and say some crazy things.

Preachers can join the ranks of policemen, firemen, rappers, fitness trainers and athletes in my book.
:yep: Yep, I would. I find it attractive... the negatives people have said can come with any man regardless of profession. Soooo like someone said, if he met my standards then sho nuff. :grin:
Never again. I tried it once. Later discovered that the guy had 7 children with 5 women, then he stalked me and tried to set my residence on fire..TWICE because I wouldn't date him. NEVER!!!!
No way. For various reasons.

Someone I know is married to a preacher. When they just started dating prior to their marriage she went to his house and she went to use his bathroom, by the time she came out of the bathroom he was nekid and standing to attention waiting to ravish her. If someone I just started dating did that sheet to me I would have freaked, but I guess she was ok with it and wanted him too. Which is fine. They then prayed about it afterwards, which to me seems strange, especially because it became their dating pattern. Copulate, pray for forgiveness, copulate, pray for forgivenss. I wish she had not told me about it. Whenever I see him I picture him nekid standing to attention:nono:

I also suspect that he swings both ways. She once got a call from a biatchy sounding male asking her if she got the chocolates Mr so and so (he mentioned their surname so it was not a random prank call) had sent her. The person then laughed and hung up the phone before she could respond. She did not receive any chocolates. When she mentioned the phone call to her DH he did not seem surprised, he changed the subject and refused to discuss it. There were other things that makes me think he is on the DL but I keep my opinions to myself. None of my beeswax.
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No way. For various reasons.

Someone I know is married to a preacher. When they just started dating prior to their marriage she went to his house and she went to use his bathroom, by the time she came out of the bathroom he was nekid and standing to attention waiting to ravish her. If someone I just started dating did that sheet to me I would have freaked, but I guess she was ok with it and wanted him too. Which is fine. They then prayed about it afterwards, which to me seems strange, especially because it became their dating pattern. Copulate, pray for forgiveness, copulate, pray for forgivenss. I wish she had not told me about it. Whenever I see him I picture him nekid standing to attention:nono:

I also suspect that he swings both ways. She once got a call from a biatchy sounding male asking her if she got the chocolates Mr so and so (he mentioned their surname so it was not a random prank call) had sent her. The person then laughed and hung up the phone before she could respond. She did not receive any chocolates. When she mentioned the phone call to her DH he did not seem surprised, he changed the subject and refused to discuss it. There were other things that makes me think he is on the DL but I keep my opinions to myself. None of my beeswax.

:grin: I totally had forgotten about this thread @Keshieshimmer

I was asked out when I was in graduate school by a guy that was in seminary school at the same university and he also pastored a church on the weekends. Initially he was really nice and polite and so I agreed to go out with him. The first couple of dates were nice. We had great conversation and I liked spending time with him, but I had just broken up with my boyfriend like a month before so I was really just wanting to hang out and have a friendship. The polite preacher knew about my break-up and asked me out for Valentine's Day a few weeks later so this was like out 3rd or 4th date. We went to the movies and then went to dinner. At dinner we had a casual conversation about the movie and what we thought about it and all of a sudden he says "You move too slow". I was like "Huh, slow??" "What does that mean?" He then begins to tell me that by now he would have gotten a kiss or something from any other woman he had dated in the past and since it was Valentine's Day he wanted to know if he could spend the night with me. He then began to tell me that he got plenty of action being a preacher and that women usually threw themselves at him. :stop:Say what??? :perplexed I told him that I was sorry he felt that way, but I was not that type of woman, I was a lady and that at the end of the night I would be going home alone. I decided not to go out with him anymore, but we still remained distant friends. Crazy preacha!!! :spinning:

D@mn and :nono: to both of these
I dated my hubby (Pastor) for 3 years before we finally married. My reason for not wanting to marry a Pastor was because I didn't want to be a 1st lady. I've seen and heard what people do and think of 1st ladies. My hubby to be on the other hand was the most considerate, kind, non-judging person I had even met. I was ending a relationship I was already in and he never judged me for living with a man. I know I was blessed to marry a true man of God, who was actually called by God. When we went to a new church, the first thing he would tell the members is that "He was called to Pastor, not his wife". I didn't feel like I HAD to be in any group in the church unless I wanted to. He's always said "the only person I need to please is God and then him", the rest don't matter. We have been married a wonderful 12 years and if I had the attitude of not dating a Pastor/Preacher, I would have missed out on the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Don't judge all Rev's by the bad ones, just like any other occupation there are good in bad in all.

Hubby and I are different, he's quite, and reserved, me I love to talk and laugh, but spiritually we are just alike. He's never tried to change me to be more of a 1st lady. I am still who I was when I married him at 49!!
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I dated my hubby (Pastor) for 3 years before we finally married. My reason for not wanting to marry a Pastor was because I didn't want to be a 1st lady. I've seen and heard what people do and think of 1st ladies. My hubby to be on the other hand was the most considerate, kind, non-judging person I had even met. I was ending a relationship I was already in and he never judged me for living with a man. I know I was blessed to married at a true man of God, who was actually called by God. When we got new churches, the first thing he would tell the members is that "He was called to Pastor, not his wife". I didn't feel like I HAD to be in any group in the church unless I wanted to. He's always said "the only person I need to please is God and then him", the rest don't matter. We have been married a wonderful 12 years and if I had the attitude of not dating a Pastor/Preacher, I would have missed out on the best thing that ever happened to me. Don't judge all Rev's by the bad ones, just like any other occupation there are good in bad in all.

Hubby and I are diffrent, he's quite, and reserved, me I love to talk and laugh, but spiritually we are just alike. He's never tried to change me to be more of a 1st lady. I am still who I was when I married him at 49!!

This is refreshing and nice to read.
This thread was bumped at the perfect time!

So this same preacher has been blowing up my phone again for the past few weeks. He doesnt get it. I don't do religion. I don't know how many times I can tell this fool I WILL NOT MARRY YOU. geez. I told him he needs to make more money before I consider going to church :look:....I'd be the worst first lady ever. I'm wayyyy to selfish and love 4-letter words way too much.[]

At least your real enough to admit that. The sad thing is that there are probably other good Christian women who would want to be with him and would be the perfect first lady. However, most men think with their penises and not their heads.
No way. For various reasons.

Someone I know is married to a preacher. When they just started dating prior to their marriage she went to his house and she went to use his bathroom, by the time she came out of the bathroom he was nekid and standing to attention waiting to ravish her. If someone I just started dating did that sheet to me I would have freaked, but I guess she was ok with it and wanted him too. Which is fine. They then prayed about it afterwards, which to me seems strange, especially because it became their dating pattern. Copulate, pray for forgiveness, copulate, pray for forgivenss. I wish she had not told me about it. Whenever I see him I picture him nekid standing to attention:nono:

I also suspect that he swings both ways. She once got a call from a biatchy sounding male asking her if she got the chocolates Mr so and so (he mentioned their surname so it was not a random prank call) had sent her. The person then laughed and hung up the phone before she could respond. She did not receive any chocolates. When she mentioned the phone call to her DH he did not seem surprised, he changed the subject and refused to discuss it. There were other things that makes me think he is on the DL but I keep my opinions to myself. None of my beeswax.

LMAO! LMAO! LMAO! That is crazy! I'd be screaming if a guy stood nekid in front of me like that if we had just started dating!
Yes but if you aren't prepared to go to church EVERY SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND MOONSDAY. Can't deal with people RIGHT BEHIND YOU saying things about him (not bad but just rude) or women only chasing him AFTER you have him, a small salary or people telling you things with no proof, or waiting till marriage (they all aren't freaks some make you wait as they should but dang), then don't do it. If he has a kind heart, sweet smile, and a genuine commitment to God, his plan, and his ways then open the door and walk on in SLOWLY! Take your time.
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At least your real enough to admit that. The sad thing is that there are probably other good Christian women who would want to be with him and would be the perfect first lady. However, most men think with their penises and not their heads.

Agreed. I jokingly referred to him as Jamal Bryant II. :look: He didn't find that very amusing tho :lachen:

But honestly, he is exemplary of the experiences I've had growing up around religious men, and also why I shy away from religion now. The hypocrisy (IME & IMO) is nauseating. It's funny how he's invested all this time and effort into both trying to change me and also convince me that he is the guy for me, when in reality there are plenty of women are all ready made just the way he likes them and would take him as he is for himself because they are actively looking for a man just like him. Seriously there are so many good Christian bw looking for a good Christian "G-d-fearing" black husband yet this man insists on devoting love songs to the biggest heathen he could find. I also told him that if I ever did marry him, that'll I'll divorce him because I would end up resenting him so much that'd I need a way out. Didn't phase him at all. smh. He needs to get his mind right and try again.

Did I mention I've been known to date women too :rolleyes:....
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Thank you ladies for your insight and stories..I decided not to date the "preacher"..but not because of his profession..he was just not for me..
I dated a preacher many years ago. I was about 21 yrs old and he was 30. I had been praying for God to send me a good Christian man but the devil heard this prayer. Dating him was the biggest mistake I ever made and it had me messed up emotionally for a minute after I ended things with him. He was trifling and had the nerve to want to be a youth pastor preaching to them one thing yet he was doing the opposite. Basically he wasn't living a "Christian" lifestyle. The messed up part about my situation was that he was ugly but I still gave him a chance because I thought he was a Christian. That ninja was the devil in disguise.

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The last guy I dated was a preacher. Let me just say he totally changed the way that I see preachers, pastors, reverends, etc..etc.! He used the fact that he was a reverend as one of his main points to attract females, I believe. Sure, I let the fact that he was a "Man of God" allow me to be more open to being approached by him. Big mistake! He actually ended up being worse than some non-religious men that I have dealt with! He had been married and divorced twice...okay stuff happens. The kicker is that he has five children by five different women, and only one of those children was a product of marriage! The other four were out of wedlock! One of the women even showed up at a church that he was over and put him on blast for not supporting his child. Needless to say he was booted out of that church. This man also LIED more than anyone I know! He would lie about any little thing as long as it would benefit him--habitual liar! Not to mention his "weakness of the flesh" issues!!! Preachers and self-proclaimed "Men of God" are human, too! Don't put them on a pedestal!
Agreed. I jokingly referred to him as Jamal Bryant II. :look: He didn't find that very amusing tho :lachen:

But honestly, he is exemplary of the experiences I've had growing up around religious men, and also why I shy away from religion now. The hypocrisy (IME & IMO) is nauseating. It's funny how he's invested all this time and effort into both trying to change me and also convince me that he is the guy for me, when in reality there are plenty of women are all ready made just the way he likes them and would take him as he is for himself because they are actively looking for a man just like him. Seriously there are so many good Christian bw looking for a good Christian "G-d-fearing" black husband yet this man insists on devoting love songs to the biggest heathen he could find. I also told him that if I ever did marry him, that'll I'll divorce him because I would end up resenting him so much that'd I need a way out. Didn't phase him at all. smh. He needs to get his mind right and try again.

Did I mention I've been known to date women too :rolleyes:....

Wow. That's on him. I know his type. I've been burned by them before. I grew up in the church and still attend regularly. However, in other churches or church settings I've been to I've encountered a few men who were color struck and shallow. One of them was a pastor. One thing I can't stand about SOME church people is that they are so cliquish and pretentious.

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I dated a preacher many years ago. I was about 21 yrs old and he was 30. I had been praying for God to send me a good Christian man but the devil heard this prayer. Dating him was the biggest mistake I ever made and it had me messed up emotionally for a minute after I ended things with him. He was trifling and had the nerve to want to be a youth pastor preaching to them one thing yet he was doing the opposite. Basically he wasn't living a "Christian" lifestyle. The messed up part about my situation was that he was ugly but I still gave him a chance because I thought he was a Christian. That ninja was the devil in disguise.

Sent from my totally awesome HTC EVO using LHCF.

I'm sorry that happened to you. Another thing, I would advise a young women to date a close to a decade older than her until she's 25. Guys take advantage of younger girls. He knew what he was doing.

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I know I'm wrong for saying but y'all stories is making me feel we don't need any more preachers. However, I plan to be a preacher myself and one mistake that many preachers make is that they go into the ministry thirsty. They are thirsty spiritually, financially or emotionally. Some men become preachers and they have not yet found themselves. If you want to be a minister that is great but one needs to know that it is a calling that you need to be prepared for. If I wanted to be a teacher, lawyer, or doctor I would not be able to jump into those professions without the proper training and discipline required. That does not mean that I am not capable of doing those professions. It just means I need to study the material to make sure I do the job right. The same thing goes with the ministry. God may have called you to be a preacher but you may not have yet attained the spiritual maturity and discipline to be the minister that God has called you to be and I am not talking about getting a degree in divinity. It does not mean God has not called you. It just means you need more time to make sure you are qualified to preach the Word of God. If we make sure we are properly qualified for other professions then what more the work of God? I know I'm called to be an evangelist but because of my love of partying and having and good time with a cocktail glass I'll wait until I'm ready to make that full commitment. I don't want to lead anyone astray by living a double lifestyle. I also want to make sure I have completed my masters and have a good source of income so I won't depend solely on the ministry, I can bless others, and I won't be tempted to be fraudulent in any way.

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I personally (when I was single) wouldn't be able to. Usually when preacher's "date" that will end in marriage. At the time I wasn't really looking for marriage. My personal reasons would be based upon responsibility over people and souls. I would have to be extremely sure of my future with the church for me to be a PW. So many preachers (and people with power) lead others down the wrong path because their stuff ain't really as straight as it should be. I'm not saying preachers are exempt from sinning, they should just be in check if they are leading others. If I hear another story about unfair tax exemptions, laundering, and knocking up the congregation out of wedlock I might scream. People can be evil, no matter their status.

Leadership will always be needed and there are people with callings on their lives for that. As I sit here and type, it could be that in 10 years time I just might be a PW (even though I'm married to a servicemen) though I hope not. However, if God wants you and you're willing, He will have you. At this time I wouldn't be ready though.

My grandmother married my grandfather 52 years ago. During that time he was a preacher but after the Jim Jones mass suicide he decided to step down. I'm not judging him, but he told me that he didn't want to be responsible for souls if what he was preaching wasn't the right way to go. My grandmother is still a devout Christian and she stuck by him.
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