Would u date a preacher?

Would u date a Preacher?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 19.0%
  • No

    Votes: 73 73.0%
  • Depends..Please explain

    Votes: 8 8.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I have a friend on facebook that is an ordained reverend....he recently started sending me messages ..nothing inappropriate..just general conversation..but it got me thinking..what if he wants to date me..would I date a preacher..IDK...I mean I'm no jezzabell but I'm not a saint either LOL..:lachen::lachen:
Hell no, some of the most devious snakes are preachers, this married one tried to holler at me on fb!!!! ugh, they creep me out!
No. There was a guy a month ago that was interested in getting to know me but I shot that down because I am not into religion like that. Add that to the fact he seemed overly fake.
Nope, like the above posters have stated, pastors can be a hot mess. Plus I have no desire to be a first lady.

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I'm a PK and I vowed never to marry a preacher. Not saying anything about my dad, but I couldn't stand all the women throwing themselves at my man if he was a preacher.
I have over 15 Preachers, Pastors, Bishops. Ministers and Deacons in my family. My Grandfathers on both sides were Bishops.

God would have to come down and place it in writing and then step to a bullhorn and tell everyone that I would now have to date a Preacher.

I have seen that profession every which way but loose. If lived right it is a tough life if lived wrong it is a tough life.
hayle naw:nono:...RUN FOR THE HILLS GURL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my sentiments exactly.

I have dated a preacher and it was HORRIBLE. My whole life was a series of "grin and bear it." I had to get rid of him, too bad he is still chasing after me.....

Funny thing is everyone knows I'm a "liberal" and an outspoken agnostic, but I guess the fact that I have conservative family values and come from a religious family made me "acceptable."
Given my experience being raised around "men of the cloth" and other preachers kids, I should have known better :look:....
Lol:lol:@ some of the responses. To each her own. I would most def date a preacher but he would have 2 meet the same criteria any man I would consider dating would need 2 meet. He wouldn't get a special holy pass or something like that. To say I wouldn't b/c they are all like 'x' is too much of a generalization / stereotype-IMHO. As BW I think we all are against stereotyping:scratchch:. If I thought that way abt men in general, I would never date again cuz I have met some dawgs in and def out of the church.:yep:
I live by the belief that actions speak louder than words so just cause a person tells me "I am 'x'" doesn't mean squat. Show me dude. Then I'll decide if I wanna keep dealing with u.
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I'd date a young, good looking and never-been-married-before preacher if I was interested :yep:.
No, most first ladies I know are stay-at-home moms or in ministry as well. I like having a career, I like have my own money, I like what I do. I don't want to feel obligated to give that up.
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Yes, I would and have. It did not progress to anything serious. We had wonderful conversations and I still consider him to be a friend.

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If I liked him enough. Both of my parents are pastor's and my younger brother (who's recently engaged) just got ordained as youth pastor at our church. Personally I would prefer not to though, but not to some general view of pastor's of course
Pimps in da pulpit lololol

On a serious note, if it were me, yup. If he wanted to take me out, yup. Come to his church on Sunday, no cuz i got my own church dat i go to. I might visit, but it would take a rack of dates for me to visit his church.

And when i do go visit i aint standin up when they ask "do we have any visitors...if so stand up n introduce urself. Hell naw i aint standing up n all dat mess.

But other than that yea we can date. He still a man, not Moses. And imma be me all da way live. Newport one hunnits and all chile. Aint nuffin changin. If he dont like it, then go find somebody else to get sanctified wif.
Went on 1 date with one when DH and I were on a break. He was a nasty ****. He actually told me that his mentor ( a big time Dallas preacher) told him anal before marriage was ok....yeah. I've never been so glad to have driven my own car to a date. Why would you say some ish like that on a first date???????

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Went on 1 date with one when DH and I were on a break. He was a nasty ****. He actually told me that his mentor ( a big time Dallas preacher) told him anal before marriage was ok....yeah. I've never been so glad to have driven my own car to a date. Why would you say some ish like that on a first date???????

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:lachen: I bet his excuse was well you'll still be a virgin technically and it's not in the bible not to do it. :lachen: that's funny
Eew at the anal story. :nono: I would DATE one because I don't believe they're ALL freaks, but it wouldn't be long term because I would not marry a preacher. I could not.