Worlds Longest Dreadlocks

I cringed with fear when she un-rolled it.

She said 4-6 bottles of shampoo!!!

I would've took a machete to that long ago.:lachen:
That's disgusting :perplexed

And look at her edges, they look all short and ate up. Too much weight pulling on them probably.
I was thinking hell to naw when she unrolled big old ball on her head.:lachen:
I love me some long hair but ummm even I have my limits.:perplexed
I've seen a man with freeform locks to the ground but he was rastafarian. What's her excuse!?? And did anybody notice the nails. :nono:
She just needs to put that ish in the sink. Scrub it up real good. No need to waste all that water in the shower.

I love locks, don't get me wrong, thank you.
didn't even pay attention to the nails. yuck! i can see all kinds of bugs getting in there. and how often does she wash it???
WOW, that makes my head hurt. It looks painful. There is no way I would be able to handle that much hair, I dont think is is possible to have it well cleaned and looking good.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. a dreadlocked head, she needs to cut that mess.
My head is throbbing just watching that.
Also she is has to take her longer than 3-4 hours to dry that much hair. My hair at shoulder length takes 2 hours :rolleyes:
ETA: No comment on the nails...
On the positive:rolleyes:
I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised to see her locks were atleast neat...the 'super long dreads' I've seen in the past are usually scary looking and are admittedly not washed often:nono:
But the first thing I noticed were her Goodness, where were they? Ripped out from the stress of all that weight?:ohwell:
I do wonder if she suffers from headaches...
Wasn't that the same woman that went around saying " I got that good hair," all because she was mixed or whatever? :perplexed:nono:
Her hair would make a great mop :lachen: It's really beautiful but there is a point when it gets to be too long :look: Beyond your control

Wasn't that the same woman that went around saying " I got that good hair," all because she was mixed or whatever? :perplexed:nono:
yep that's her and her scary edges
There are so many things wrong with this video from her nails to the 4 bottles of shampoo to her no edges. :nono:

I know this is a long hair community but there has to be limits and I think she passed hers about 15 feet ago.
Wow! That is a lot of hair!!! I wonder what the true length of it is. How much of it is still connected to her scalp. :scratchch

Well, I suppose she has her own reasons for allowing it go grow that long, and I'll not presume to judge her nor will I call her hair hygiene into question, as she seems pretty dedicated to it. I mean she would have to be! I can't imagine how heavy it must feel sitting all on top of her head like that!

As long as she likes it, I guess that's all that really matters. *shrug* I couldn't do it though! I'm waaaaaaaaay too lazy to take care of hair that long!
thats way too much hair.
unless she gets a ton of money from holding the rcord (which I doubt) why in hecks name wud one want to keep so much hair.

oh right, she said her hair is her strength ... hmmm go figure