World's Largest Afro 48"+ Long


A+ Hair Care Queen
Woman's four-and-a-half-foot afro is the world's largest… and takes her two days to wash
Aevin Dugas has spent the last 14 years growing her hair
Record-breaking natural afro has entered Guinness Book of Records
It takes two days to dry and five bottles of conditioner to get it in shape

Proud of her record-breaking afro, Aevin Dugas says her hair is inspiring legions of women to ditch chemical straighteners and 'go natural'.
The 37-year-old, whose hair entered the Guinness Book of Records at 4ft 4ins around, says everyone from toddlers to grandmothers are following in her footsteps.
Aevin said: 'At one time I strived to get hair that was bone straight and now all I want is it big and poofy'.


Aevin Dugas boasts the world's biggest afro - measuring an incredible four-and-a-half foot around the middle

Aevin struggles to see out from underneath her extravagant hairdo if she does not style it up properly

Video of her Fro'

She believes her voluminous hair may have grown even bigger, but she cannot reveal its size until Guinness take an official measurement.
'When my hair is stretched out to its complete length and pressed, it goes down to my butt. But I don't wear it like that because it looks weird.'

The newly single care worker is proud of her unique style but usually ties her hair back when going on first dates, only revealing her secret later.
'I did tell one guy and he was shocked and he Googled me and was like 'oh, wow'.
'But then when I saw him again - he was wearing an afro too.'


Despite loving her hair, she has to tie it back while driving as it is so difficult to see past it

Aevin, who has won fans from Brazil to Italy, has spent the last 14 years growing her hair.
Her jaw-dropping look brings her attention wherever she goes but it does have its drawbacks as she often gets it caught in trees, car doors and people's earrings.
It can also take two days to wash and dry and is so big she struggles to see clearly out from beneath it - which means she cannot drive with her 'hair up'.
To get her hair ready for a night out she shampoos it and then uses up to five conditioners.
She then puts her hair into two French braids and from then it takes about two days to dry.
But the positives far outweigh the negatives and she has become a hero in her hometown of Napoleonville, Louisiana.
Her biggest joy is inspiring young girls to stop using chemical straighteners, which can cause long-lasting damage to hair.

However, Aevin is thrilled with the results and is keen to encourage other Africa-Americans to let their hair grow naturally
She said: 'I don't know why but there's something very important to me about little girls appreciating my hair and then wanting to wear their hair the same.
'I tell them there is nothing that I did special, there is no magical formula, we are born with our hair like this.'
Aevin was originally inspired by a picture of her mum Deborah Dugas wearing an afro in the sixties - and she remains one of her biggest fans today.
Mrs Dugas, 62, who runs a care home, said: 'I'm humbled by the fact she did this because she liked my natural hair, way before she was born.

Aevin getting her hair tended to at a salon in Reserve, Louisiana. Her mother says that she is particularly proud of her daughter for wearing her afro before it became fashionable
'It was about half the size of Aevin's and everybody loved it.'
She added: 'Her hair has definitely had an impact on the community.
'She made her decision when wearing your hair natural was considered unattractive in the black community.
'But, against all that, she started wearing her hair natural years ago. I am really proud.'
I'm proud of her, but I couldn't wear my hair like that on a daily basis. It seems it would interfere with life. I'd love to see her hair in a braid out. Possibly, in even thermally relaxed.
Love her hair. I read about her before. I wouldn't wear it in a fro all day though. I don't think she does or can wear it like that all day.
Couldn't do it daily...

*I remember my Mom gave me a Afro at 5 for my birthday,it took hours to do,once finished it was amazing...She ask how did I want my hair for my birthday & I said Afro,she said what? But,she gave

Happy Hair Growing!
Let's not take anything away from her HUGE accomplishment. Her hair is butt length!!! How she chooses to wear it daily, monthly or just for reporters doesn't matter :nono:

We have a sister in the GBOWR because of her hair texture :yep: This sista is on the news, in magazines and asked to speak about her hair all around the world. Finally, our once labeled " nappy " hair is being revered and celebrated.

Let's give this positive news, positive feedback.
Let's not take anything away from her HUGE accomplishment. Her hair is butt length!!! How she chooses to wear it daily, monthly or just for reporters doesn't matter :nono:

We have a sister in the GBOWR because of her hair texture :yep: This sista is on the news, in magazines and asked to speak about her hair all around the world. Finally, our once labeled " nappy " hair is being revered and celebrated.

Let's give this positive news, positive feedback.

Because thanks wasn't enough!

All of this congrats or that's great, BUT!

Can we just congratulate her and keep it moving please?
Shes got beautiful hair!! I watched the vid. I like when she was sectioning it off and putting it in those buns with clips. Man, one of those buns is sooo big it looks like someones entire head of hair! Amazing!
My first thought was WOW! And I'll bet she's waist length, but then I kept reading to find out she's butt length!! Amazing! I mean her fro alone is many people's goal length.
She's pretty, and her hair looks lush and healthy - I just want to plunge my hands in it :lol:.

Those ends look great and SSk free - which would be my concern. I halfway want to hunt down her hair dresser and find out her regimen.