Will it matter how or when we achieved long hair?


New Member
I have always had shoulder length hair in the front and hair a few inches longer than shoulder in the back. People would say that I had "nice length" hair, but I knew it was not long. I never had "Rudy Huxtable" braids that were waistlength or to my elbows.

Now, I have noticed that a lot of people will mention what all they do or do not do to achieve growth. Moreover, people mention that they always had long hair, and that is nice too. Those people give us something to look forward to in the future. At the same time, I am wondering if people on LHCF or IRL will say "Well, you know her hair was not always that long..." Part of my purpose for growing my hair out is that I want people with 4b/a hair to realize that their hair can grow long, but I am curious to know what your thoughts are on this subject.

(Why am I writing this? I have been thinking about this recently based on some comments I have heard IRL or read here).
I think there is a mix of people with different hair experiences
with every person who you hear say they had long hair as a child there is one (me for example) who says there hair has never look this good. To add to that, most people talking of their long hair are saying it to to show that when they had low heat/low manipulation/no chemical lifestyle (ie:childhood) their hair was long. It just proves to them that getting back to that type of lifestyle is beneficial.
I think the majority of people of this board will say one of their objectives is the same as yours: to prove to the world/society and other black women that our hair can grown health and long just like everybody else's
At first I was out to prove a point about black hair now I don’t care anymore. For me it’s mostly personal now. I think long hair is very feminine. I love playing in my hair. I am like a kid in a candy shop when I buy hair accessories and products. Not because I think it will grow my hair faster but because it’s a fun, safe, girly activity. I love the looks guys give me. I feel more confident in long hair. I could care less now what people think about “black hair” because once we all have long hair long, critics will find something else to criticize. Basically I have found a new way to care for me and I am definitely enjoying this new experience.
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I Don't know why some people think that 4a/b hair can't grow? That is a Myth and I remember reading this on some hair board that was hair typing and he said that 4a/4b hair could not grow long because it would break off, well that is just a myth and it is several women here with Long 4a/b hair and some are Relaxed and some are Natural and either way their hair is beautiful. I don't like the hair typing myself because I have my Type and that is thick, natural and healthy and growing. But I guess the typing gives people an idea of what texture their hair might be.

But our hair grows, I can't wait for mine to grow but as far as going through great lengths to get it? I think I will pass on that and besides I am not consistant with anything, I might be good the first day LOL!! After that it is all down hill LOL!!! But I am glad to know that We CAN & WILL prove them wrong about our hair.
To me, growing my hair is personal. I feel more confident and beautiful with longer locks. When i wear a long natural looking weave, i get sooooo many compliments and people (seem to anyway) believe its all really my hair, and it makes me happy-yet sad because i know its not really mine. I've wanted long hair (home grown) for as long as i could remember, so now i'm kinda impatient(sp) and am trying to speed up the process (i'm not getting any younger). I think the lengths that i'm going through for achieving longer hair are reasonable, and hopefully, i'll get to my first goal by/before the end of the year.

As far as the world/society/haters... i know that when i reach my goals, that people will still try to find fault with it, or try to find an excuse for my having long hair... like my skin color, the fact that i have kids, or some other stupid conclusion-totally making all my hard work seem trivial.
I am looking forward to the day when there will be so many of us with long healthy hair that it will seem the norm versus the unusual.

I think we all have different reason for wanting hair length and all of us have our breaking point as to how far we will go to achieve it.

For some of us, me included it is just a personal choice to see the accomplishment.

It really does my heart good to hear from others who once thought they could not grow or even have healthy hair and to be a mentor for them.

As the saying goes each one teach one and I am all for that, particularly if it is something positive.
EbonyHairedPrincess said:
At first I was out to prove a point about black hair now I don’t care anymore. For me it’s mostly personal now. I think long hair is very feminine. I love playing in my hair. I am like a kid in a candy shop when I buy hair accessories and products. Not because I think it will grow my hair faster but because it’s a fun, safe, girly activity. I love the looks guys give me. I feel more confident in long hair. I could care less now what people think about “black hair” because once we all have long hair long, critics will find something else to criticize. Basically I have found a new way to care for me and I am definitely enjoying this new experience.

Well said. I am anxious to reach waist-length un-stretched and further. I appreciate the journey as well because it involves showing myself extra TLC. The benefits of growing our hair reach far beyond long hair itself, such as improving health by eating better, taking supplements, and drinking more water. I believe there are psychological benefits as well that come from the satisfaction from achieving hair goals and taking better care of ourselves.
I know that since finding this site, taking care of my hair has also taught me how to take better care of myself. I am eating healthier and I genuinely feel better. I have noticed that the women on the board look healthy not only in their hair, but their overall glow.
mango387 said:
Now, I have noticed that a lot of people will mention what all they do or do not do to achieve growth. Moreover, people mention that they always had long hair, and that is nice too. Those people give us something to look forward to in the future. At the same time, I am wondering if people on LHCF or IRL will say "Well, you know her hair was not always that long..." Part of my purpose for growing my hair out is that I want people with 4b/a hair to realize that their hair can grow long, but I am curious to know what your thoughts are on this subject.

(Why am I writing this? I have been thinking about this recently based on some comments I have heard IRL or read here).

I want my hair to be very long to show it can be done, Babe likes it, I like it too. Long hair on a woman is sensual, beautiful and of course "Her crown and glory..a covering". Yesterday I was put down for saying that all black women can grow hair. Adamant head shakes, noooo's and laughter..I countered by saying, "Yes, it is possible unless there is a medical problem. Just takes moisture, protein and care." I walked away afterward sad and frustrated. The two naysayers did not believe so I will have to be the example {they'll only say "Well, you have 'good hair' as they already do:eek: ; they should only know my tangles!!} I really do hope it does become the norm for black women to have healthy, long hair. Too much money given to others for fake "hair" and they are becoming wealthy at our expense and lack of knowledge. Temporary hair sure {I love my Lace Flair ponies}..but gluing/sewing in weaves year after year while neglecting the real growth is disheartening.