Wife Competing


Well-Known Member
So my co-worker says he tells his wife constantly that she should always be in competition mode with other women for him. I just rolled my eyes because it was just poor tomfoolery. What's sad is this dude is ALWAYS pushing up in some woman, and he is not easy on the eyes at all. Why the hell should a wife have to compete for her own husband!
I told him he must have major issues to think the wife needs to compete with a husband she married. I asked if his ego was deflated to think that is what a wife needs to do. He told me he had to kiss her hello when he came in and told her she was supposed to cater to him not the other way around. I told him if he thinks coming in from work and going to greet the wife in another room with a kiss is catering, he got serious issues! LOL!
So my co-worker says he tells his wife constantly that she should always be in competition mode with other women for him. I just rolled my eyes because it was just poor tomfoolery. What's sad is this dude is ALWAYS pushing up in some woman, and he is not easy on the eyes at all. Why the hell should a wife have to compete for her own husband!
*** this guy.

However. :look: As someone who has been in a relationship for the last 15 yrs (almost twice as long as the average American marriage, apparently), you should always be 'competing' for each other. Complacency is not cute. It turns into flab, below-par sex, and wandering eyes. Might as well not even bother.
My NARCISSIST ex use to pull this stunt on me until I put a stop to it. If we were in a store and he noticed a woman eyeing, he would make sure to tell me. He would suggest she was my competition, I would just shrug it off and handle my business. One day while we out, he was really feeling himself and decided to flirt one lady that was following us around the store. I gave her and him one look, she went on her way and this fool was just a grinning. I sent him down a different aisle to pick up something I needed and headed to my car. I had the best laugh watching him chase my car as I pulled off. I eventually let him get in the car, I was very clear, if she want you she can have you.

He stopped that mess that day..... When I look back on that relationship, there were HUGE Red Flags but thank God it is OVER now.