"Why you let your kids look nappy?"


New Member
Thanksgiving a.k.a. WWIII took place at my family's so-called Turkey Day. I need some opinions here ladies. I just got off the phone with my aunt who has three little girls (11, 9, 7). All four of them are natural. My aunt is a 3b/3c mix and her children are 4a.

Anyway, my aunt went to T-Day dinner at my great aunt's home. The oldest wanted her hair pressed so she tried (still hasn't gotten the hang of it). Plus it was rainy so basically it was frizzy and poufy. Upon arrival, my great-aunt laid into her hiney about bringing her out in public so "nappy".
:spank:OFFENSE #1: Enjoying turkey while nappy.
The younger two had a modified twistout (she tried). My great-aunt then said they should never be in public either with "their naps showing."
:naughty: OFFENSE #2: Showing your naps in public.
She then told my aunt that her wash-n-go is unprofessional and unless she has a certain type of hair, "Who told you that it's ok for you to wear your hair wet? You're not white."
:angry2: OFFENSE #3: Wearing wet curls while not white.
My aunt replied that she co-washes and it's doing wonders for all of their hair. Well that really set her off then!
:censored: OFFENSE #4: Not using shampoo.
Well all h3LL broke loose after that. She immediately had the oldest girl escorted upstairs to have a thorough scrubbing followed by a press and curl. No deep condition, no rollerset, no braids, no ponytails, nada. A good old-fashioned press. She then told my aunt that she needs to immediately relax all of them (my aunt included) since she is so "lazy that you don't even shampoo every wash!" She said when you relax you don't have to do anything to your hair at all -- "it's what lazy women do." :wallbash: What in the world????
You can only imagine how much worse it stemmed from there....but that's the meat and potatoes of the conversation. I need your opinions ladies -- has my great aunt gone off the rocker or did she make some valid points??
Great aunt, great great aunt, great great great great aunt, if she put her hands on my child's hair, we'd be scrapping. Just saying.

Your aunt is doing her best and making all the right decisions for her beautiful daughters, maybe she hasn't gotten the hang of styling her daughters just yet but so what? Theres always a learning curve and lawd KNOWS its better then relaxing a small child:nono:

Gosh, I'm so sorry situations popped off like that hun:hug3:maybe you can be your aunts support system and maybe help her get her styling game on point refer her to youtube childrens vids like this and the childrens haircare board on here and the beads braids and beyond blog help her out and have her back...saying all that on thanksgiving and even going so far as to take her child and forcibly do her hair was just reckless and bold:nono:
well dang.....was it really that serious to do a complete makeover on the girl on thanksgiving?
You can only imagine how much worse it stemmed from there....but that's the meat and potatoes of the conversation. I need your opinions ladies -- has my great aunt gone off the rocker or did she make some valid points??

Your great aunt went way too far IMO. Is there any reason why your aunt allowed her to press that child's hair? I would have walked out of that house with my children, Thanksgiving Day or not.
Great aunt, great great aunt, great great great great aunt, if she put her hands on my child's hair, we'd be scrapping. Just saying.

I was shocked too!!! I asked her why she let it happen but she said she wanted to see if it would look any better. The funny thing is, after an hour, it had poufed up again. Go figure....
This pisses me off to no end.

My Grandma could not do my mom's hair, so she learned to do her own.

Messy hair is not the end of the world.
Your great aunt went way too far IMO. Is there any reason why your aunt allowed her to press that child's hair? I would have walked out of that house with my children, Thanksgiving Day or not.

She wanted to see if she was wrong. She said next holiday she'll eat elsewhere. The sad thing is that the ENTIRE family was standing there when this was going on!
okay, she went a little crazy. it's unbelievable that she interrupted the evening to redo the child's hair..
I'm mad thinking about the kind of complex those little girls are going to have when it comes to their "naps" all due to your Great-Aunt's yapping. :nono:
Great aunt was out of control. And no, she didn't have any valid points. There wouldn't have been a makeover because I would have left when she started talking crazy about my babies.
She sounds like she is one of these types of people we talk about all the time on here that think that Black people should start using relaxers and hot combs at birth

She was on FULL on Nap pratrol that day.

But she was really extra and this was uncalled for. How does the Great Aunts hair look
Look at it as a Thanksgiving family drama which years from now will not matter when all of the young ladies are showing their long, healthy, natural hair:yep:!
She wanted to see if she was wrong. She said next holiday she'll eat elsewhere. The sad thing is that the ENTIRE family was standing there when this was going on!

Not worth it. It's one thing talk about my "nappy head" but I'll be damned if you're going to insult my kids and plant that type of self hate in their head. I'm glad that she's decided not to go there for the holidays....but I would NEVER step foot in her house pointblank.:look:
Kudos to your aunt for handling it so well. I would have politely gave great-aunt a piece of my mind and left. The ENTIRE family would have been standing there like :blush::blush: instead if standing by and not interjecting on behalf of the aunt or her DD.
I would have also LEFT with my kids and said a thing or two to her when my kids went to the car for it was words my babies didn't need to here " IF you ever IN YOUR LIFE, over step your boundaries again......" Love you but I got's to go!!!! "God thanks for giving me these legs to walk out the dooR' you done saved aunty tonight"
Thanksgiving a.k.a. WWIII took place at my family's so-called Turkey Day. I need some opinions here ladies. I just got off the phone with my aunt who has three little girls (11, 9, 7). All four of them are natural. My aunt is a 3b/3c mix and her children are 4a.

Anyway, my aunt went to T-Day dinner at my great aunt's home. The oldest wanted her hair pressed so she tried (still hasn't gotten the hang of it). Plus it was rainy so basically it was frizzy and poufy. Upon arrival, my great-aunt laid into her hiney about bringing her out in public so "nappy".
:spank:OFFENSE #1: Enjoying turkey while nappy.
The younger two had a modified twistout (she tried). My great-aunt then said they should never be in public either with "their naps showing."
:naughty: OFFENSE #2: Showing your naps in public.
She then told my aunt that her wash-n-go is unprofessional and unless she has a certain type of hair, "Who told you that it's ok for you to wear your hair wet? You're not white."
:angry2: OFFENSE #3: Wearing wet curls while not white.
My aunt replied that she co-washes and it's doing wonders for all of their hair. Well that really set her off then!
:censored: OFFENSE #4: Not using shampoo.
Well all h3LL broke loose after that. She immediately had the oldest girl escorted upstairs to have a thorough scrubbing followed by a press and curl. No deep condition, no rollerset, no braids, no ponytails, nada. A good old-fashioned press. She then told my aunt that she needs to immediately relax all of them (my aunt included) since she is so "lazy that you don't even shampoo every wash!" She said when you relax you don't have to do anything to your hair at all -- "it's what lazy women do." :wallbash: What in the world????
You can only imagine how much worse it stemmed from there....but that's the meat and potatoes of the conversation. I need your opinions ladies -- has my great aunt gone off the rocker or did she make some valid points??

Um No...

First, at offense #1 me and the kiddos would have been out the door. I may subject myself to abuse, but there is no way I will subject my children to abuse.

But, if I had lost my mind and stayed, by the time they got to the shampoo part they would have had to call the police and an ambulance and/or coroner!
Absolutely uncalled for, vicious, hurtful, ignorant, mean, immature and foolish.

I would have left with my children (I'm childless so take that as you will) with the quickness...after having some choice, firm, albeit respectful and eloquent words for her, my family standing by and words of encouragement for my daughters IN FRONT of every one, in the car and when we got home.

Then we'd have a Conditioner Party.

Furthermore, great-Aunt would get a follow-up call from me (in Christian love) on why she needs to keep her opinions to herself regarding my children and their appearance for the sake of family peace...and perhaps, her ego.
Some of the women in older generations have the opinion the natural hair is unkempt

She did go to far by pressing the little girls hair

but as for her mentality sometimes you just cant teach and old dog new tricks.... I would have simply told her that I am going to do what is best for me and my children and she now that she has expressed herself she can keep the rest of her opinions to herself.
Omg, I hope your aunt doesn't relax her children's hair :(
That was so vicious and mean
I would be humiliated if that ever happened to me before I got my hair relaxed. :nono:
aw hell naw. i would've made my plates to go; ain't no way i would've allowed it to get as far as her washing and stylin my child's head.♥
Wow...stories like that remind me why I spend holidays on vacation (this Thanksgiving was on a beach with my guitar in Cancun). Tried to do Christmas with mom and stepfather last year - the entire back of my hair fell out. That's how I found this board LOL

Wow...stories like that remind me why I spend holidays on vacation (this Thanksgiving was on a beach with my guitar in Cancun). Tried to do Christmas with mom and stepfather last year - the entire back of my hair fell out. That's how I found this board LOL

Kim, it looks warm and nice down there. I wish I can be in Cancun right now.