why shouldn't u put relaxer on all of your hair?


New Member
why shouldn\'t u put relaxer on all of your hair?

i have never done this but i just wanted to know why it wasn't good to do. i have seen many posts about not letting stylist apply new growth from root to tip. my aunt has always applied her new growth all over and she has very long hair.
Re: why shouldn\'t u put relaxer on all of your hair?

I think it's because the rest of your hair is already relaxed....I'm not relaxed now, but from what I've read it's called overprocessing and since those are strong chemicals, if you over relax your hair will be damaged.
Re: why shouldn\'t u put relaxer on all of your hair?

That's exactly it.

The relaxer process destroys the physical and chemical structure of the hair. Once it is done, the section of hair has been premanently altered and significantly weakened by relaxing it just once time...

To repeat that process on, not just your new growth, but all of the hair on your head (most of which has already gone through the chemical process) is to take the hair through the same chemical process again, after it's structure has already been damaged to a degree. Very few relaxed heads can manage this for long without losing all of their hair.

Your aunt is an exception. As you are related to her, you may be as well.

But I don't suggest risking it. The bulk of your hair is, after all, already relaxed. Why do it over and over and over again...? I never did understand why people do this....
Re: why shouldn\'t u put relaxer on all of your hair?

yeah, my 3 b/c friend always applies her relaxer from root to tip. she has beautiful hair, but this could be why her hair always stays the same lenght.
Re: why shouldn\'t u put relaxer on all of your hair?

You'll overprocess your hair and it's cause serious breakage...this is experience talking, my stylist overprocessed my hair and I went from about 24" to 6" with in a week.
Re: why shouldn\'t u put relaxer on all of your hai

know that u have all explained it i think my aunt's hair is the same length. i have never noticed her hair being longer and it is almost barstrap. she is actually my husband's aunt. i have been with him almost 9 years and her hair has been the same length for 9 years. i wasn't planning on relaxine all of my hair but i just wanted to know why u shouldn't do it.