I first joined this board after I started to notice my hair thining right smack dab in the middle of the back of my hair. After the damage bugged me and became morfe noticable I had to cut it to blend (chin length). I have always took care of my hair, relaxed every 8 weeks or longer. I usually wrapped it or on special occasions I flat ironed it. I had so much movement and was to my upper shoulder blades. I dont know if the damage is mechanical or chemical. Now, I am transitioning and my hair looks horrible. The broken parts just wont grow to catch up with the others. I need advice on camoflage styles and how to make my damage blend. I cant wear ponytails b/c my transitioning causes my kitchen to look rough.
I was once or twice a week. Use coconut oil as a moisturizer. and flat iron occasionally using a ceramic. HELP
I was once or twice a week. Use coconut oil as a moisturizer. and flat iron occasionally using a ceramic. HELP