Why is it . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
. . . that the day before you're about to get a relaxer, you have a constant urge to scratch your head??? :lachen:

*resist scratching scalp, pats head instead*
i get my urge daysss before..it's like my hair is saying ok I know you're about to perm me so i'm gonna torture you until then.
I know! I hate it. I think it's just that we really don't think about scratching it when it itches until it's relaxer time. Boy, it's torture though.
I agree that this is probably the only time we really think about it. "Don't scratch don't scratch, don't wanna burn..."
Avoiding scratching used to be the hardest thing for me when I was relaxed. And I always gave in and scratched anyway. One of the things I loved about transitioning (and now being natural) is not having to worry about scratching my head at the "wrong" time.