Why is it that...


New Member
hair tends to grow more on our legs and other parts of our body than our hair? For example it feels like I can never shave enough but it seems like it takes forever for me to see a couple of inches of growth. Is there some scientific explanation for this dealing with hair follicles and the difference between the ones on my head than on my legs or is it just a moisture thing? I know for a fact that my legs receive more moisture than my hair on a daily basis so would that have to do with why my hair grows more on my legs than on my scalp all chemical processing aside.... I was just thinking baout it today and it was just a thought that hapened to pop through my head. Anyone have any answers or logical explanations..... ?
Maybe our hair grows quicker on our legs and under arm because we wash those hairs daily. Just like the thread suggesting that daily rinsing of your hair on your head stimulates growth, as many have seen that the recognise a significant increase in growth.
I was thinking the same thing. I WISH my hair on my head grew as fast as the hair on my legs!

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it may seem as if it is growing faster because it has a shorter life cycle, so it reaches its potential length in no time....
it may seem as if it is growing faster because it has a shorter life cycle, so it reaches its potential length in no time....

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I totally agree.
Well if the hair on the legs grows as fast as the head hair (1/2 inch a month) that would mean that only 24 hours after shaving you would have 1/2 milimeter stubble. If you shave in the morning you could have 1/4 milimeter stubble by evening.

I think that is the reason it seems to grow faster.

Other than that head hair and body hair react the opposite. What makes head hair fall out makes body hair grow in excess (dht- dihydrotestoterone). Maybe it makes it grow faster too?!