
Well-Known Member
Ok so you all know of or have heard of Aubrey Organics Glycogen Protein Balancing Conditioner right?? Ok so for those of you who don't know....its a great conditoner (shampoo sucks IMO, and I really wanted to like it!!) But ummm so yeah here are the ingredients.....

Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base, Organic Aloe Vera, Wheat Germ Oil, Lactalbumin, Organic Rosemary Oil, Organic Sage Oil, Horsetail Extract, Coltsfoot Extract, Nettle Extract, Amino Acid Complex (Cysteine, Methionine), Glycoprotein (from oyster shells), Balsam Oil, Aubrey's Preservative (Citrus Seed Extract, Vitamins A, C and E).

Ok so here are the reasons why I'm now using this as my growth aid....

1. The first three ingredients! Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base, Organic Aloe Vera, Wheat Germ Oil.....Why read on (especially the pink part)

Many people use Aloe Vera for thicker and healthier hair. It works. You can apply it to any part of the scalp and it can promote hair re-growth or prevent hair from falling out. Aloe contains anti-inflammatory which help stop hair loss. There are a lot of people out there that just don´t believe such a cheap and easy to use product can prevent hair loss. Native Americans have been using this product for centuries and you very rarely see a Native American that is bald or that has a bad head of hair. They are known for their full and shiny heads of hair. Large amounts of money are spent on hair rejuvenation products with no results or some nasty side effects. People just don´t believe such an affordable thing you can buy at the super market can re-grow hair or prevent you from losing it in the first place.

Aloe Vera is found in many shampoos and conditioners. It can be rubbed in and left for a bit of time and rinsed out and it will help make your hair healthier and keep those wonderful follicles producing hair. It can be used to lose stress as well. It helps the blood flow to the hair. You may already be using it in your brand named shampoo or conditioner and just don´t know it. This herb is a wonderful thing that can keep you from buying wigs or doing that super comb over we all love to look at. An Aloe Vera gel containing coconut milk with a small amount of wheat germ oil used as a shampoo can promote healthy hair and hair growth and maintenance. Aloe Vera conditioners contain the right amount of natural herbs and oils and with proper use help out your hair so much it is indescribable. Each one is pH balanced, prepared without alcohol, and petroleum based ingredients. Aloe Vera jojoba helps you to have healthier and shinier hair.

BTW there are many articles on this...just research.....

2. Horsetail, Rosemary, and Nettle Extract

Ok so we all know these are all supposed to have some effect on hair growth or thickness, or scalp rejuvenation...or whatever BUT...they are also used in Moe Grow Oil...which seems to be provided people with some significant growth!

SO....This Covers the Grow you hair with Moe Grow Challenge.....

3. Cysteine and Methionine

Supposedly these are the proteins that grow and strengthen your hair....hence the reason why people are using eggs as a growth aid and conditioning/strenthening aid.

(damn I can't spell to save my life this morning does aid of an e on it?)

SO...This Covers the Grow Your hair with eggs challenge....

4. Glycoproteins

glycosaminoglycan n. Any of a group of polysaccharides with high molecular weight that contain amino sugars and often form complexes with proteins.

These ogliosaccarides or polysaccharides are very similar to muccopolysaccharides that are found in Megatek...which is supposedly the reason why people are experiencing a spurt in growth from this product...

So that covers the Grow Your hair with Mega-tek challenge!

Ok ladies....I hope you get the gist (jist sp) of what I'm trying to say...I had to write this fast because I have to take a test at work today that determines my livelihood (sp) and I'm supposed to be doing some last minute studying...but instead I'm on here..Oh Well!....Please let me know what you think...and please add your research..I know you ladies will! TIA

Juicesnberries, that sound like a great idea. It does cover a lot of bases, but how would you use it as a growth aid? Would you just put in on your scalp, use it as a leave in? I fyou come up with a way to use it, I will use it with you...
Has anyone used this before and seen results?

I haven't even used it....I just thought about it today while reading the bottle on the toilet:look:...I mean while preparing to wash my hair!

Juicesnberries, that sound like a great idea. It does cover a lot of bases, but how would you use it as a growth aid? Would you just put in on your scalp, use it as a leave in? I fyou come up with a way to use it, I will use it with you...

Thanks! I plan on using it like I have been using Megatek....In a applicator bottle and applying to my scalp once a day or every other day....HTH
I haven't even used it....I just thought about it today while reading the bottle on the toilet:look:...I mean while preparing to wash my hair!

Thanks! I plan on using it like I have been using Megatek....In a applicator bottle and applying to my scalp once a day or every other day....HTH

That seriously made my day:lachen:. How long have you been using Megatek? And did you order it online? I would love to be able to buy this in store.
Wow. I knew those ingredients were good, but I didn't know they were that good! Anyway, I don't like growth aides for myself, but my concern for the people who are going to put it on their scalp is that the conditioner is very thick. I see buildup and scalp issues if this is used directly on the scalp. Maybe you guys will want to dilute it? Anyway, good luck, OP, and thanks for all the good info!
That seriously made my day:lachen:. How long have you been using Megatek? And did you order it online? I would love to be able to buy this in store.

Lol!!! I have been using mega-tek for almost two weeks now....And No...I actually bought it from a store (Drug Emporium for $8.64 which is the best place in the world might I add) I'm sure other people can tell you where to get it, maybe whole foods.

Wow. I knew those ingredients were good, but I didn't know they were that good! Anyway, I don't like growth aides for myself, but my concern for the people who are going to put it on their scalp is that the conditioner is very thick. I see buildup and scalp issues if this is used directly on the scalp. Maybe you guys will want to dilute it? Anyway, good luck, OP, and thanks for all the good info!

Yeah this is a issue to many but I wash my hair so often...and I also do ACV and Baking Soda Rinses that I hardly ever have build-up. But you are right...for those who don't do these things...build-up might be a bit of an issue....Thanks for the advice!
I used it for the first time three years ago, and I think it's fabulous! It's definitely a keeper! I highly recommend it as a light protein deep conditioner. I normally buy it when it's on sale at Whole Foods. Thanks for the analysis.
That actually makes a lot of sense. I've only used that conditioner twice because it was so thick and I didn't like the smell (too strong for me). If I were just going to use it on my scalp I'd put it on at night and rinse in the morning. I like for my scalp to be freeeeee.

Keep us updated.
Whaa?? You still have a Drug Emporium?? I am officially jealous!

OK this does sound good. I was just about to pick up a bottle next week too. Aubrey Organics makes excellent condishes. I like your theory, I think it may work. This would be much better than an oil based growth aid for me because my hair just can't take oils for some reason. I will do this, an add some peppermint and tee tree oil cause they make my scalp feel oh so good!

Thanks JuicesN'Berries!

ETA: Most health food stores and defiantly Whole Foods sell this conditioner, even some grocery stores that are starting to carry organic lines!
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Gotta find this product to try it. My hair loves thick products. Sounds like it has great ingredients, too.:yep:
In the past 5 years that I have been a member, I have used this conditioner on two ocassions (2004 and 2005) but I was never consistent with the product. I think I stopped using it because of its price and smell. I do not have my hair journal anymore so I don't remember if it detangled my hair. I would like to try it again though. Thank you for posting.
I like this I have a brand new bottle of GPB and I was thinking of putting down the MegaTek (the shedding is annoying). I am gonna try this. I agree the ingredients are all known as scalp stimulating growth aids. We'll see.
well i just got back from vitamin shop and i purchased the aloe vera juice and the gpb conditioner. i love honeysuckle rose so i hop i love this too. esp. since im so in to protein now a days.
Hey JuicesNberrris,

I read an old thread where you were taking Amino Fuel and you got 1.5 inches in 1 month. Are you still taking that stuff? I'm taking it but I'm still on my first bottle. It seems that would be more beneficial than using topical growth aids if you got that much growth from the amino fuel.
very nice info, juice....smile... i have been using AO prods for over fourteen years now, and they definitely help to keep my hair and scalp healthy......
You have actually found a product that doesn't scare me to death! This sounds really good...I need to check it out.

Yeah it's a pretty good ingredient list. Except for the "coconut fatty acid cream base". I forget what it actually is but it's labeled differently in Europe than it is here. There was a big controversy about it because I think it turned out to be a "chemical" and not natural.
Yeah it's a pretty good ingredient list. Except for the "coconut fatty acid cream base". I forget what it actually is but it's labeled differently in Europe than it is here. There was a big controversy about it because I think it turned out to be a "chemical" and not natural.

Uh oh!
Thanks Sunshinelady for the link...this is the first thing I saw, "The fact is, any store you walk into, from 99 cent to Sephora, about 80% of the products are mislabeled.”

This is why I just stick to the bath tub and the sink, the bath tub and the sink. By the way, I added silk amino acids to my daily moisturizer and MAN! Silky and strong baby!
i have been using the gpb as a pre poo for 30 minutes and i like it. it softens my hair more than it makes it feel strong but thats fine with me since i use joico k pak on the regular anyway. i didnt use it this sunday so i will use it this one comming up. i like to switch between this and a moisturizing one.
I just purchased it this past weekend and tried it on my my daughter... she hated the smell. I'll give it try.
I just purchased it this past weekend and tried it on my my daughter... she hated the smell. I'll give it try.

Yep, that's why I wouldn't be able to use this daily as a growth aide. As a rinse out conditioner, sure... but having that smell on me all day would drive me NUTS.

Also, just to inform people... the "coconut fatty cream base" is really cetyl/cetearyl alcohol... they ARE derived from coconuts, but it's nothing special.

Not that it makes it a bad product, but that ingredient list is misleading. Just wanted everyone to know.

Thank you for the link. I couldn't remember what the ingredient actually was.

Uh oh!
Thanks Sunshinelady for the link...this is the first thing I saw, "The fact is, any store you walk into, from 99 cent to Sephora, about 80% of the products are mislabeled.”

This is why I just stick to the bath tub and the sink, the bath tub and the sink. By the way, I added silk amino acids to my daily moisturizer and MAN! Silky and strong baby!

Yup, me too. When I look for natural products I want them to be ALL NATURAL, 100%. Nothing less. I was actually upset when I found that out about AO the first time. That's why I stopped using it.
I use the AO Honey Suckle Rose as a deep conditioner. I'll have to try this one.
I empty out the bottle into a bigger container and add coconut oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil and a little bit of aloe vera juice, mix it up and leave it on my hair for one hour.