Why I Stopped Using Eco Styler Gel


Well-Known Member
I hope this hasn't been posted.

This is a very interesting video. I think she is on to something. I don't use Eco Styler however I did purchase the two new ones they came out with but haven't used them yet.I think I did use the coconut one a couple times. I use Wetline Extreme pretty much everyday which has some of the ingredients she speaks of. I personally get headaches, weird eye irritations and have had weird blotches on my skin that just go away. This is very disheartening because almost every popular, easy to find gel have these ingredients. Natural gels are just too expensive to be using only a daily basis but I might have to make the sacrifice.
Interesting. I become ill nearly every time I do a wash n go but I always attribute it to having wet hair and not gel. I use clear Ecostyler on my brows all the time. Hmmm.
Having wet or damp hair for longer than an hour or so seems to make me ill almost without fail. My face gets puffy and I feel malaisey/fatigued the next day and I may end up with a sinus infection the next week.. But whenever I have wet hair there's gel in it too so I can't say for sure what it is.
I've seen many others complain of similar ailments related to wet hair and they don't all use gel though
I tried the olive oil version twice, and both times, the top of my scalp got sore. I threw out the jar immediately after the second reaction. I hope the new castor & flaxseed one will not result in that same issue.

Wetline has been mentioned in a negative light in the past. The forum search is not working for me (the date parameter for older than is missing), so I cannot link to it.
That's why I never got around to trying Eco Styler and other products I had on my list of products to try.

When I found out about xenoestrogens and endocrine disruptors, I changed my hair & skin products, toothpaste, and I switched from non-stick cookware to stainless steel.

The only products I've actually had a reaction to are fragrance in deodorant and laundry detergent. I get cold and flu symptoms if I wear anything that was washed in scented laundry detergent or if I use scented deodorant, so I've been using only the unscented ones for years.

I'll check out the websites she listed in her video description. I learned about harmful ingredients from these web sites:



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Eco styler gel seemed to make edges desentegrate somehow. I never saw actual breakage but my edges thinned out horribly. I tried olive,pink, clear and blue at some point. The olive was the worst and blue was the least damaging of them all. Haven't touched Eco styler gel in years. After trial and error with gels, I have Wetline found to be the best for my fine low density hair. I love how it washes out with ease and a strong hold when I need it
Oh, no! Triethanolamine is in Long Aid Curl Activator Gel as the 3rd ingredient :cry3:That's my go-to summer gel. And I just bought a 32oz jar yesterday!

Reading up on it and some other chemicals known to have negative effects, it seems their use in hair products is permitted as long as they fall below a certain percentage, that the percent depends on whether the product is a leave-in or rinse out, what part of the body it will be used, that there will be a certain interval between using the product and washing our hair/skin, that we use an appropriate soap/cleanser that will remove the traces of that chemical, and that we use a certain amount with each application.

What do we do in the real world? We use rinse-out products as leave-ins, let days/weeks/months go between washings, and when we do wash our hair we co-wash and don't even use shampoos or soaps. Some of these chemicals can't even be washed away properly with soap and we're relying on whatever detergent in a conditioner to do the job.

My gel says to use a nickel to quarter sized amount of the product. I use $2-$4 worth of quarters after each wash! I know I play with my hair and absentmindedly touch my face, scratch my arm, and rub my eye throughout the day. I mean... c'mon!

I wonder what we are doing to our bodies in the name of maintaining our hair and hairstyles and stretching a buck by salvaging a product that may not have worked for its intended use.
Oh, no! Triethanolamine is in Long Aid Curl Activator Gel as the 3rd ingredient :cry3:That's my go-to summer gel. And I just bought a 32oz jar yesterday!

Reading up on it and some other chemicals known to have negative effects, it seems their use in hair products is permitted as long as they fall below a certain percentage, that the percent depends on whether the product is a leave-in or rinse out, what part of the body it will be used, that there will be a certain interval between using the product and washing our hair/skin, that we use an appropriate soap/cleanser that will remove the traces of that chemical, and that we use a certain amount with each application.

What do we do in the real world? We use rinse-out products as leave-ins, let days/weeks/months go between washings, and when we do wash our hair we co-wash and don't even use shampoos or soaps. Some of these chemicals can't even be washed away properly with soap and we're relying on whatever detergent in a conditioner to do the job.

My gel says to use a nickel to quarter sized amount of the product. I use $2-$4 worth of quarters after each wash! I know I play with my hair and absentmindedly touch my face, scratch my arm, and rub my eye throughout the day. I mean... c'mon!

I wonder what we are doing to our bodies in the name of maintaining our hair and hairstyles and stretching a buck by salvaging a product that may not have worked for its intended use.

Yes it seems like Triethanolamine is in alot of products and pretty high up on the ingrediets list. As I get older I am trying to make my health the top priority. Alot of my friends older and younger are developing cancer and it is a real eye opener.