Why dont you ever wear ur hair down?!


Well-Known Member
Are you ashamed of your hair?!

That is the question my mom always asks me, just because i dont wear my hair down often. :wallbash: so annoyed... then a couple of days later she will comment on how long my hair is getting and im like:ohwell: dont u see the connection.
my hair up = long hair
Is there anyone else sick of people questioning why u wear your hair up?
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Well at work i get asked this question alot but i reply that it's just so much simpler and convenient to put it in a bun. People just don't understand, it always leads to a bizarre conversation. So i don't bother.
because i like my hair up:look:
Some people didnt get that.
But now that its short i like it out but as soon as i get length i will be bunning like its going out of style.:grin:
My mom and sister know why and they don't think nothing of it, but my co-workers are another story :nono:. I just smile and say b/c I like it pulled back, but when they see it down they be like damn your hair is getting long and I just smile and say thanks :spinning:. I have my hair in a bun so much that I forget how long it is my own self :grin: