Why doesn't my hair revert?


New Member
Why doesn't my hair revert when I put water based moisturizers or gel on my flat ironed hair?

Does this happen to anyone else? Is this just a trait of low porosity hair?
It sounds like heat damage to me, too. Is there anyway you can wash/co-wash your hair to check for damage?

My hair does not revert much when I'm heavy sealing, but ordinarily, just a spritz of water can revert my hair.

Hoping for the best for you!
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My low po hair will remain straight with water based product with tension to an extent and it is not damaged
I don't think it's heat damage. I have never had heat damage before. I have straightened my hair 3 times this year.

I am a natural 3Cish med/coarse strands. My hair only revets if it gets wet or the roots will puff up if I sweat. I was wondering why it doesn't revert despite reading that you are not supposed to use water based products on your hair when straightened. I use them because coconut oil just sits on my hair. When I apply the moisturizer (elasta qp olive mango) my hair feels soft and supple. Also humidity doesn't really seem to effect my hair curly or straight being that it's summertime in DC and pretty humid yet my hair doesn't poof or revert and I don't use any special products either.

I was just wondering if this was a trait of low porosity hair or if my hair is just weird lol.
There's nothing wrong with your hair. You're just lucky! You can use all the products you want and give your hair the added moisture it needs without messing up the style.

When people say water based products make their style revert, I take that to mean they are using a liquid product, not a water based cream.
I wouldn't think it is because of the low porosity... I have low porosity hair, and it reverts at the mere thought of water, :lol:. After I flat-iron (which is rare), I do not moisturize. At most, I might put a little oil on the ends and edges if they start looking a bit messy.
I'm assuming you use oil or petrolatum based products to straighten? This places a layer over your hair that repel water. When you shampoo it'll strip those products and your hair should revert. :)